Jack Strawb

Yes, Dekker by far was the best JC. And the bar was on the floor.

Because that's totally my gf when I carved a twice life marble sculpture of her that she took a hammer to: "But you're going to see me tomorrow!!"

Score to date: 132 to 1.

How is it possible that even this set of writers didn't make something enjoyable about the two of them finding a nice quiet place to boff?

And wouldn't that be the FIRST thing you'd ask?

What's the minimum number of viewers a show like TWD could limp along with, if AMC decided to eventually go with a stripped down version as viewership dropped?

Well, BUILDING A PROPER FENCE requires a whole 'nother level of writing and plotting. If you don't make the zombies more aggressive, stronger and faster, you end up only with a zombieless soap opera behind walls.

I was hoping, admittedly faintly, that I'd be challenged even just enough to compel me to improve my argument (else what's an internet comments section for?), but that's obviously not going to happen here—at least not with you. What is it you hope to gain from your content-free posting?

AND, Deus Ex got that respect despite being almost unplayable in sections, and definitely buggy pretty much throughout.

Then here's your answer: "Differently".

Your faith in Gimple is touching.

"In this world if you accidentally get separated with someone for longer
than a few hours and a few miles (without a pre-determined meeting

I don't think anyone predicting a cannibalistic turn to events thinks they're being bold.

"Those Who Arrive are Eaten Aliv… er Survive. Survive! That's it!"

If a straight guy needs to apply at a specific school in order to get laid, he's really, really doing it wrong, and I strongly suspect his getting into Centenary College isn't going to get him into anything else.

Can you really not tell the difference between a summary in a comments section made regarding someone who isn't here and who won't read that summary, and what I might say in the completely different forum of a question and answer session before an audience?

Looks like my first shot at a reply was devoured, so…

So what's the scenario? Rick, Michonne, and Carl are either already there and sitting down to Beth stew or are being served by fantasy Beth in leg irons, OR the three arrive after Maggie's crew, and we have a happy if brief reunion. Then Joe's gang arrives and the mayhem begins. Or if they haven't already, Rick,

It would be difficult, to say the least, to keep a well-run, smartly managed community going if its central organizing principle was trapping or luring wayfarers and eating them.

With its usual subtlety, the show filters Terminus Woman's voice through Creepy Mechanical Filters.