Jack Strawb

Pretty sure it's a combination of the walled town Rick's crew finds and the roaming cannibal gang that gets ____.

I saw it on youtube and am guessing it was on the show's dvds, but one of the best scenes at what would have been the beginning of season 2 is when the group leaves the cremains of the CDC and stops by the old folks home to see how the vatos are making out. It's beautifully done, and a real shame they cut it from the

Has to be the case, yeah? Sit down to eat and either the food is drugged, or a lot of people holding guns take aim at you.

I have bad news for you then. I've heard that something making it even more horrifying is keeping you alive (and fresh!) while trimming a limb from time to time.

And why not get close enough to reconnoiter and surveil and see wha' happens?

That's mostly from the shaky cam sneak previews, the ones with the greyed borders. Like your 12 year old nephew would make.

Great, yes, but underrated? I thought along with Deus Ex it was widely known as one of the great, early games. Not quite as engaging as DE, but the gameplay was much better.

"Because while players’ desire for hard-copy game discs might be ebbing…"

"… Historically, those institutions limiting scientific advancement have included organized religion.”

I think it's hilarious that you think these things were only discoverable by those Catholics. Do you really think that without Bacon we'd have no idea what scientific method is, and what to do with it?

But other people's reactions show me many others won't think this way.

I suppose if you can muster an actual, meaningful response to any one of several useful points, this might go somewhere interesting.

I don't remember that, but I do remember a kid (Patrick, I think, the boy who was the first to die in the epidemic) still willing to shake Daryl's hand after Daryl had just licked his own fingers. Now that's hero worship.

You mean the 19 year old character played by a 28 year old actress?

True, that. I guess I'd hate to have seen Shane turned into a cartoon villain, though.

So why don't you want to be loved for yourself?

Savage is a tiresome child. In response to the first question in the only column of his I've read he snickered over a pair of lovely breasts. Here he bungles the first question by assuming unconditional love is a good thing. The craving for it is something we all should have outgrown by our early teen years.

Probably the latter? Maybe we're supposed to believe the noise from the gunshots and cave in drew them in over time?

I won't repost here, but upthread I can't even buy that Daryl would have ever abandoned the search for Beth (with the proviso that he might have saved his skin by going w the gang until he could get away). Remember how diligently he tracked Sophia? It's one of this things.

Collapsed, but clearly able to walk with Joe's group in fairly short order. I never did buy the idea that tracker Daryl wouldn't have been able to figure out which road the car took, or that he wouldn't have been able to survive on his own. After all, he camped alone, well away from the group on the farm for a long