Jack Strawb

I'm all for Rosita looking like a hooker (although that's not what hookers look like). There's no reason for The Women of The Walking Dead, given the terrible Georgia heat, to suffer by wearing more than halters and short shorts. And shame on you for encouraging their discomfort.

Very probably, though if they try to sell it as a food shortage when the animal pop without its apex predator would be exploding, I'll vomit tears of plot dribble.

it's strange to me that siblings are all kind of like meh here. the only one that seems deadbent on finding her brother is sasha and yet tyrese is like oh let's just shack up here

On the one hand, we lose looking at Lauren Cohen most weeks, which would be at least a grade A misdemeanor, while on the other hand her dying might turn Glenn back into an interesting character. Given that the second is very far from a sure thing, I vote for life.

He'd have to pick it up and give it a sniff to know it was very recently opened, though. The fresh color of the outer wrapper could last for weeks in the open. Of course, Daryl's laser nose can probably smell at distances of five and a half feet, while moving.

Come on. Bub's too smart to fall for the old, 'fire your gun into the ceiling' business.

When one sign had "survive" in oddly faded letters it did occur to me for a minute that the original signs might have read "Those Who Arrive, Are Eaten Alive", but it doesn't really work.

1 the funeral trap could make sense. that whole thing was pretty sketch. but why would they only plan to take beth?

Wow. Talk about 'arrogant and absurd'.

"Kill of your darlings" was Hemingway, and he wasn't referring to characters.

Fair enough.

I was referring to Carol's indifference to rr track zombie, which implies she does not believe their suffering, if they indeed suffer, is so great as to warrant expending even the smallest amount of effort greater than zero to end that hypothetical suffering.

I suspect you're referring to the show's second best season. (The show's decline has closely followed the decline in the ability of its showrunners. No surprise there, but this would probably be a superb show if Darabont was still around. Imagine he had been able to see the show through its brilliant second season

I would be interested to hear the arguments as to whether this was the only way these events could have played out,…

in the context of the show, I can buy Tyrese forgiving her.

Oh, please don't tell me on this otherwise engaging site full of intelligent people that I've attracted a stalker whose self-appointed duty is to follow me around and "correct" my posts. Please don't tell me that.

Except that being a zombie clearly does involve possessing 'another state of being'.

I agree with you, of course, but Carol clearly does not, hence my point on poetic endings.

I'd really knock off the trolling shit, I was you. First, when I present reasoned posts why the season was top notch, and you respond 'troll' you're obviously trolling. Either respond in kind, which is to say intelligently, or knock off the bullshit.

Right? I've been thinking since at least 4.2 that turning Glenn into warrior sourpuss instead of problem solving puzzlemaster pizza delivery guy made him far less interesting than Lizzie.