Jack Strawb

I and my compadre, Logic 101, categorically reject all claims that Lizzie could not be rendered a harmless walker. Objections must proceed on other grounds.

In fact she became distinctly vindictive and unlikable in parts of season three.

on Veronica re-embracing her destiny to follow in her father’s footsteps and right wrongs in favor of the unjustly accused and the oppressed. (The idea that she couldn’t have done this as a lawyer is mostly left

"non" journeymen?

Speaking of which, my daughter was drawn to the darker fairy tales as a kid. Watching her with her hands fluttering near her eyes or ears the better to control what she saw or heard was fascinating to me. She was playing with how much horror she could take in, how much she could deal with and wanted to deal with.

You're channeling Carol, friend. The fact that you think it's my reasoning says it all. Say, given your complete lack of diagnostic abilities, can we assume you're a writer for the show?

We'll have to disagree, I guess, because I hear Lizzie talking about two different events, the first of which I assume (since the obvious subtext for Lizzie's "weakness" is her inability to knife her dad in the brain) refers to her father. Lizzie says, "Why did you kill him? Why did they kill Nick."

Ergo, they are what's known in the game as "philosophical zombies". Lizzie as such can easily be restrained, ergo there's no imperative to kill kill her.

I don't get 'hated', but I get being exasperated by how overrated it is.

Yup. I remember in grad school having too many courses where the syllabus was made up of books about books about books. There was even a four stepper in there somewhere, where a very forgettable book summarized the (say) 1980 poststructuralist critiques of the 1970s critiques of postEnlightenment critiques of the


Just wanted to correct one thing I wrote, and to note that it was wildly misleading. Apologies for that. Why Disqus can't just present newest to oldest and instead reorders replies to replies is beyond me. It makes some conversations impossible to follow. But,

Continuing: No offense, but I believe you're way off. I agree your transcription is accurate (and thanks for the detail—it's a pleasure to engage), but your interpretation feels very off to me.

Carol killed her because some day she might grow up to be a threat to someone, somewhere. And she coughed. She had to go.

And if there was one moment that sent Lizzie over the edge, it was Carol harassing her to put a knife in her dad's brain, then doing so herself, end the possibility her dad would come back.

Not the point, so there's that.

Hell, the writers only had an entire season to develop the character. Why should anyone know?

Noooo! He's stretching his raaaaaange!!

Sofia Coppola?

The timing on this is sort of perfect—New Yorker TV critic Emily Nussbaum, among others, criticized the show this week on its “paper-thin” characterization of the women in the show.