Jack Strawb

Carol offering herself to be killed by Tyrese was yet one more absurd plot turn. We're all supposed to be taken with Carol's move to the dark side, where her moral philosophy has evolved into the sophisticated "yougottadowhatyugottado"

And, according to Carol's actions, nor do they suffer. Why not then let Lizzie "live", as she would have wanted?

that they fail to see the show for what it really is… mindless entertainment.

I'm sure some day we'll figure out what you're talking about. Hard not to note, too, you don't actually have a specific objection to what I wrote.

Never happen. Shoot the vic, but her in a room, wedge the door shut, write warning on door.

Ultimately, though, I come here to debate the show, not the character motivations.

True. The brain and heart are close in size, and the target is stationary and ten feet away.

Was CC roughly the same size on The Wire as he is on TWD?

Well, I think it's easy to establish that Lizzie can be turned into a zed that can't hurt anyone. There are other objections to Demented Carol not leaving Lizzie walking dead that make more sense to me. None are entirely consistent with the character, though.

See ep 4.2, 23m30 in. Karen's doing fine, thanks. That's the last we see of her before psychoCarol turns her into blood trails and charred meat. It's nutty not to show us eyeball bleeding if that's anything like what was supposed to happen. How can you decline to show us actual motivation?

That's not a good thing

Lizzie's point being that there's nothing wrong with coming back.

Oh, please. It's known that many people were in contact with Patrick. So, you kill the ONLY people quarantined away from everyone else? Over some coughing?

Lizzie surely would have wanted to be one, Carol is clearly out of her mind, it's surely clear Carol places no weight at all on what people suffer once they turn, and you get an evocative ending. That's win^4!

Why do you assume that "Terminus" is actually going to be anything plotworthy?

Which she was not. Just re-watched the episode because my clear recollection was that the murders were hardly necessary. They were not.

No offense, but you're just making that up. The last we see of Karen, she looks quite fit. She is merely and only coughing, is upright and looks pretty good.

Let's see: Maggie mentions her sister once, in passing. She can't even write "B+G, to Terminus, Mags" on the sign. That's only the most obvious example of how cloddish the scripts are. Who, ever, is actually motivated to not look for loved family members because they might be dead? It might give you pause for thought

See, those are appealing reasons, but they're also sentimental reasons. They're reasons and and reasoning you and I would probably employ, but they're not reasons consistent with this fictional character:

I've never understood the implied argument, that quantity measures quality.