Jack Strawb

You 'hit a boar at 200 mph" ? Where are you, in the chunnel connecting Japan and Kenya?

It definitely didn't come off that way at first for me, either.

Oh. "Clear".

Upstairs or out of the way bedroom. Lock the door. Painted note on the door. Come on. Gimme a tough one.

Carol not killing it at the end completely undercuts almost every claim I've heard to date for the nature of Carol's character.

S3 was merely good. S1 and 2 were great.

Anyone else bugged by her scummy treatment of Piz?

Good scenario. What Gimpel didn't hammer home, too (unusual for the show), was that by Tyrese tacitly agreeing that Lizzie needed to die, he was retroactively approving Carol killing Karen.


"and they've survived with a minimum of in-fighting,…"

Man, I think you go a long, long way before prophylactically killing a child. That includes putting a leash on her and taking her the short way (acc to the map) to Terminus and even convening some kind of court. Depending on their arrangements it might work out well.

One through the heart is assuredly painless.

Hmm. You're "pretty sure" the murder of two innocents was justified? Your honor, may I speak with the bailiff?

Here's the argument for the poetic justice of Carol killing Lizzie but let her continue as a walker:

not your sadistic and misguided revenge fantasy that violates everything Carol is about.

That got me laughing.

You mean the show that has been in steep decline since 3.4? Where an abused woman turns offscreen into a big league badass? Yes. You?

Must have been the younger daughter. She didn't stand out, but I was probably staring at Michelle Monaghan.

A lot of the problem is the complete failure to explain characters seeming not to have close family members anywhere in mind. Almost as bad is failing to head for Terminus. If you have to pick a likelier place to find your sister Sasha, would it be a house off in the woods, or a community with a whole lot of signs

Hmm. That's a damned good explanation. Thanks for posting.