Jack Strawb

Let us know if you figure out the answer to that. It'd be like discovering a cure for alcoholism. You would be revered.

Hey, are people who are relatively sanguine about Carol's murders of Karen and David overlooking the critical point that Karen and David were not the only two
infected? If they were, then their deaths might be at least a little defensible.

What I think people who are accepting the murders are overlooking, though, is the critical point that Karen and David were not the only two infected. THEN it might be defensible.

I'd call Veep brutally funny. It works very well.

Just wondering what in particular you found awful about it.

Now that's funny.

What's up with that? All I hear about or read about it how crazy men are, but it's clearly the case that women are just as nuts.

Now that was funny. Well done.

Ah. I should have written "what should have been your last paragraph fuckbaffles me".

On top of that, while I realize it's a thankless job wrt TWD, does anyone even now have a sense of why she said what she said?

Hey, I'm not arguing that the murders didn't make sense to Carol. I'm sure they did. Killers typically justify killing. My objections, though, are twofold—first, there's no reason for Tyrese to accept it as quickly as he did. It doesn't make good narrative sense, either—it would have been a lot more interesting for

Michonne and Tyrese on forgiveness… damn, that was a forgettable conversation. I vaguely recall it for the sheer impossibility that Michonne would not be able to clearly state why she was still looking for the Gov. In fact, I remember rolling my eyes more than I remember the specifics of the conversation. Oh, and I'm

So if I wasn't hearing things, why on earth would Carol apologize to Ed? Granted she put a pickaxe through his corpse's skull, but I'm not seeing that as a failure of kindness.

How is it possible no one vetting Gimpel's script didn't stop and say, 'hey, Tyrese and Carol not killing rr tracks walker is absurdly contradictory. How can they not put the poor critter out of its misery, given what Carol just said to Lizzie?'

"is just stupid"

"so for them to do it again shouldn't be a surprise."

I posted that ^ at EW, and nobody seemed to think that the walkers would prefer to actually be dead….

Man, that song was crap even when Katherine Ross bicycled to it. What do you think your chances are?

So, after all this, do we know what Lizzie thinks the dead are? If they're not really different from live humans, what's the hurry to kill people?

Maybe so, but did you get a good look at those knives? Eight inch blades, looking like they're kept supersharp… those are truly lethal, in pretty much anyone's hands.