
Lost in all of this, is the fact that Cronenberg is motherfucking REMAKING Crimes of the Future! Granted, reworked to focus on a side tangent from that short film (a man who gives birth to tumor-like limbs/organs in a medical body horror mockery of female childbirth).

Their pairing has been terrific - heck I just re-watched Eastern Promises for the who-knows’th time a few weeks ago. As someone who didn’t even look over at my little Covid shots, though, there hasn’t been a plot summary of an upcoming movie, like, ever that turned me off as fast as “operation horror”.

I’ve been that guy, tbh.   Rented a 26' Penske truck and towed a Ford Focus behind it from CA to NJ.   The fact I could do it on my regular ass license is terrifying.

Went back into the office after a year and I've had severe diarrhea every day since. Terrible timing.

It wasn’t meant to be Detroit style pizza, but does anyone remember Pizza Hut’s Bigfoot pizza from the 90s?

Kong’s fight with a T. rex becomes an eye-popping blow-out with two T. rexes.

I’m trying to think of any other industry where your manager would tell you to have sex with your co-worker in order to improve your working relationship.

Vulva. We saw her vulva, not her vagina. You have to get a lot closer to see a vagina, and you need a light.

Aside from his iconic role as Gekko in Wall Street, I heard from podcasts (I can’t remember where) that he’s a professional who knows his lines, can deliver them in any way the director asks him to, so he gets lots of gigs.

It could be worse. You could tell someone to fuck Stephen Baldwin. 

To be an authentic English breakfast, it should be an Irishperson’s breakfast that they stole for themselves.

To be fair, that was nearly 20 years ago. To put it into context: in the same amount of time before Turtles in Time was released on SNES, Nixon was president.

We saw it last night and obviously it’s not going to touch the original. But it’s also clearly not trying to. It’s honestly a fun, cute movie and you can tell they had a blast making it. It was fun to see the characters again - and they bring back just about every single character, down to some that were only in it

I’ve fought I don’t know how many thousands of boss fights in my time gaming. I know there are literally hundreds that I can’t even recall off the top of my head. However, there are two that stick out as I’m thinking about it right now.

And, to this day, that remains the most important piece of artistic advice ever given.

Martin Scorsese has actually said that when he was starting out, Corman advised him “At least once every twenty minutes, there must be nudity or the suggestion thereof.”

I do not watch this show, but I have read the book. I literally just come here because I find the reviews perversely enjoyable.

We shall call this theory of economics ‘the invisible paw.’”

Same... it was way tastier than it had any right to be. (And, frankly, not as “obscene” as it sounds. Certainly lower-carb than your average chicken sandwich, since it lacked a bun... Bet they could bring it back and pitch it to the keto crowd.)