
High Rise was so much better than I expected after reading multiple reviews, including the AVC. I think they gave it a “C” here. I like to think he does the MCU films and now series as a way to be like, yeah, I want to do smaller prestige projects and yeah you can’t afford me but I don’t really care about the money

And didn’t he do a vampire movie with Tilda Swinton that I heard was pretty good?

This seems like someone who has decided to pursue art rather than stuck to an album promo cycle. Good for her.

This should make you feel better...

The Green Hill.

immediately thought of the Mars scenario in Sim Earth. :)

All the Zelda music is great, but A Link to the Past from SNES will always be my favorite.  

Wow, this is like an old-school AVC article. Probably, what, 10000 words about rock music and not a single attempt to make it Politically Relevant. More of this please!

Well, the guy apparently pre-dunked his presumably-not-girlfriend-anymore’s clothes in the bathtub which might have been a blessing in surprise...

You know, if you really hate someone, sticking a few cans of the fish-flavored Fancy Feast in the oven is a diabolical-yet-ultimately-harmless way to get out that aggression. The object of your scorn will likely have to wash every piece of washable fabric in their home to get the stench out.

No, there is still people that live there and people would still lose their livelihoods over it.  Doesn’t make it any better

avoiding hunting for ethical reasons...

I get that, particularly if you are vegan/vegetarian.

but if you eat meat, consider the following: a deer or other wild animal that is hunted ethically will have lived a perfectly normal wild animal life right up until the point that a hunter kills it as humanely as possible with

Oh sure, who cares when a brown Moose is killed but when a white one is killed, time to get out the pitch forks and light the torches!

Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?

I see your Rotel (texan) and raise you Bueno brand Hatch Autumn Roast frozen green chile. Being stuck in Texas but not Texan (no matter how long I’m here) HEB stocking Bueno frozen chile is about the only thing keeping me from seriously snapping.

Indispensable ingredient in my pantry, so many uses and difficult to use poorly. 

And he was killed by a guy from Ohio pretending to be an alien pretending to be a Russian barbarian.

As an alien pretending to be Egyptian pretending to be a Spaniard.

It must suck to not experience empathy. Maybe talk to a psychiatrist.