
Groundbreaking, never seen before: a story that jerks itself off about New York City, something our culture was sorely lacking on film, tv, books, the news, politics, and more.

The fact that he’s a stand-up comic and not a sketch performer, but has lasted 6 season on SNL is truly white male privilege.

Holy shit. This is about the dumbest fucking post I’ve ever seen on here.

Well it appears you have raised a cunt.

A white girl is telling you that Terry Crews is bad and wrong.

Whaaaaa no love for Event Horizon?

I’ve been preparing my whole life for this day.

Are you sure on that? I’ve been seeing really cheap flights, particularly for domestic flights. May be going on a couple of extra trips this spring because they’re affordable now.

THIS. Wtf is with the run on TP?

Forget movies - I’m wondering if when I run out of toilet paper, I’ll actually be able to buy some.  Not to hoard, but to wipe my ass.

Yeah, I loved that scene too. Unfortunately in that scenario, the poor old man lost all of trust in her once she shown her full colors. She was too little too late in trying to make amends.

Underboob never gets old.

Believe it or not women are free to choose how to dress and how to express their sexuality. 

PA: “Mr. Ford there’s a boom mic in every shot and an actor can be visibly seen reading from the script in an entire scene.”

The code is really the only way to beat Contra 

...to Make Its Universal Monster Scary Again

Nice memorial, thanks. RIP Kazuhisa Hashimoto. Thanks for giving me a chance to practice in those games.

No. the correct insult is,”go fuck yourself with a broken bottle covered in hot sauce.”

The green chili put into things is really the key here. You could put that on anything, and it gets 10x better. There’s a place in Pueblo called Burrito’s Betty that has the best goddamn breakfast burrito in all of Colorado. Order the #10 with green chile and prepare to have your mind blown.

It’s Like the exact opposite of forgetting I had asparagus. In that case, I am pleasantly surprised amd reminded.