
No. Papa is Grandpa.

Reminds me of a meme I saw last month (can’t find the actual pic) but it basically said: Your dog doesn’t realize you tripped over him in the middle of the night. He thinks you woke up to kick him.

People here all keep saying this but I’m not sure how it makes it a bad thing to adapt, you’d just use the same approach as the comic; never mind about the plot, focus on the visuals of the thing (make sense for a Wheatley project).

so post modern

I liked it over all. The ending was okay, not entirely stuck, but some what satisfying. Some of it’s hard to figure. Mainly when it comes to Jaw-Bone. Is he an Evil Force that connected with Eddie or just the consequence of what can happen when a telepath gets a split personality? The latter makes more sense to me in

No, then we may as well have a country run by NY and CA. The whole point of the electoral college is so the coastal population centers don’t run roughshod over the rest of the country. It gives that little guy a voice. You may not like it but the whole “we’re more equal than you” leaves a very bad taste in my mouth.

Let it be known that the “controversy” is US only.

This kind of holier-than-thou attitude is what handed your angry mob its loss. You’ll keep losing if you don’t learn.

Go fuck yourself.

But if this was in California you’d be all sympathetic, I’m sure. Fuck off.

Yes, let innocent children burn to death. That sounds like a good idea.

Here we have another tolerant, peace loving liberal still on their 2 week “mope” period wishing horrible things on fellow countrymen. Lovely.

I’m pretty sure this, like climate change, is a Chinese conspiracy.

Rather than anchoring themselves to a particular era, I’d love to see a Thrones prequel that hops around the timeline; maybe a different era each season or so. One season might give us a young Ned Stark et al. The next might go way back to explore the Lannister’s rise to power. Another might be about an important

We ran a candidate whom everyone hates and when she lost, our response has largely been to get angry that people failed to get on board with her.

Now playing

Damn. That looks almost as awesome as Black Sheep.

Great point. I’m a conservative Texan and my friend in Cali has some truly shocking opinions on the world. I’ll never forget talking to him about the tea party and being truly shocked at his opinion of them (racist). I suggested politely he might want to watch something besides liberal news sources. That really they

If I was a betting man, I’m going towards no. The result of this election has only reinforce my belief that many people are still stuck on the idea of us vs. them (hence why a third party stands zero chance).

Exactly, I just hope that some people actually learn from this, but so far a lot of what I’m seeing is the same finger pointing and ridiculing that brought us here in the first place. We have to stop trying to combat bigotry....with bigotry.

I could not agree more. I am one that usually strive for objectivity and I saw Trump’s victory approaching from miles away.