
Eh....I think this is only an issue because oversensitive liberal white folk who can’t use those words don’t understand using words like that to make jokes about yourself or just saying the words in general without censoring ourselves because we can. Remember all the clutched pearls over the president saying ‘nigger’?

me too but just because i vote for her does not mean i expect her to be able to cure all the ills in the world...or even my country.

This aggression will not stand, man.

Now you see, i think this looks bloody fantastic.

She has the Gillian Anderson syndrome.

How is it possible that Lucy Lawless is twice as beautiful now as she was during her Xena years?

It’s a Chinese movie directed and cast by a Chinese person. They can cast whoever they want.

Fuck off you god damn regressive idiot.

- Al Gore’s book title

I stumbled upon it searching through Netflix a while back and was not disappointed. I don’t think you will be either.

Seriously. I guess some people just absolutely need to bitch about something, right?

This +1000. She’s posted not one but two articles now on the matter. It’s not even that skimpy!! Haters gonna hate.

Yes, I was really upset on Tuesday when I saw it hadn’t made it past Texas local news. We’ve been sending the story to various news sites hoping someone would pick it up. Thankfully it’s picking up steam today.

I think this commenter’s point is that she deserved to be treated well, and many men would have. I read this comment from the victim’s point of view, not the imaginary men’s.

It doesn’t matter. White people were offended for them.

No, but I have seen plenty of white women just up in ARMS over this on Polynesians behalf.

Sorry I really don’t see the problem with this.... If there is an issue can someone please explain it to me.

Horror works when the person watching it feels they are in true danger.

I don’t get it with this one. I actually prefer “The Mist” in it’s black and white form, because it fits the movie really well. Fury Road is way too lush and vibrant with reds and oranges. I love the color in that movie. I would pay to keep it in. I guess I have, actually. Carry on.

As a firefighter, I can vouch for this. If the fire’s under the hood, and the hood is closed, just let it go. You won’t get it open without something to pry the hood open, and by the time you do, it’ll be behind the firewall and into the cab, and your car is long gone at that point. If the hood is open, you might be