Jackson Forest

On paper, I'd have to agree. But the beauty of Walt was his ability to blindside the unsuspecting. On some occasions, even himself.

Exactly. Given their track record, in Vince & Co. I trust.

Howard knows but I suspect he'll keep it to himself if he sees Chuck going down the tubes because of his illness.

I'm holding out for the Breaking Badger.

Note to other comedies - this is what perfection looks like.

There will never be enough mocking of Trump. Destroy him.

Love this show! Season 2 was even better that a great Season 1 - can't wait for the next! And thank you for keeping Cotyar alive. He's become a perfect balancing act to Ava and now with Bobbi on board - really digging that group. Viva la Roci!

Millions voted for a con man who gets his news from Alex Jones.

Bill-O - what a guy. And yet he has to coerce women to have sex with him. Don't they know he's a writer?

Chuck definitely has a scheme to trap Jimmy. But it won't work out the way he thinks.

I have far, far more faith in Gilligan & Co. than I do any review I've ever read on AV Club. But by all means, keep swinging those dead cats.

The fact that we knew it doesn't mean that they knew it. Not that they'll ever learn of course.

This will be a real hit with all of the gun fanatics worried about who's coming to get them. Their browsing history will now make profiling and targeting a breeze for anyone who wants to know who's got what & where. Be sure to thank that orange con man you voted for.

What a shocker - phony modesty from Hannity. A perfect fit with his phony intelligence, phony morals and phony patriotism.

Remind you of anyone named Trump that you've heard of?

The show has done an excellent job of making me indifferent to and now disliking one of my favorite characters. Sorry Morgan - you deserve better.

This ass-clown still has an approval rating in the 40s. Nice country we've got.

She's not only the perfect spokesperson for Liar Trump, she's the perfect spokesperson for every dolt who voted for Trump.

He will be missed.

It's clear that Sir Patrick can't help being awesome. And is further proof that the right thing to do is stay here and fight.