Jackson Forest

Yum - I'm in.

Pence is the complete GOP package: Theocrat, Plutocrat, Hypocrite, Fearful Bigot.

Trump is a sniveling, whiney little bitch. Can't even handle the Correspondent's Dinner. Pathetic.

Trump's skin is really like cheap ass naugahyde.

I'm with you. While I generally prefer Colbert or Stewart, I find Maher to be vital to the conversation on the left - despite his raging ego. Unlike the right, I'm not interested in just seeing people with whom I agree.

Gives me a little faith in TV execs if it's true that they like it. Now if we could just convince CBS viewers that a laugh track is no longer required.

Donald Trump - you've been McPeached!

I agree. But it's really time for Carol & Morgan to start fighting back again.

What a great episode - and 2 great episodes in a row?! I thought we quit doing that after Season 1.

This is all performance art from Trump to illustrate the inaccuracy of Fox News and the weakness of Republican leadership. Bravo, sir - bravo.

Loved the music in this episode. It had a John Carpenter/Michael Mann vibe to it. And it made the zombies seem more threatening for a change.

Yes, loved that.

Exactly what we said when it was over. That and the return of torture porn.

My favorite contemporary writer. Would have read this regardless of the review but nice to see.

Now that's a cool chick.


Exactly. The level of the meltdown from Rosie doing it is exactly why it should be done. Doesn't even matter if it's any good.

While I always felt that the finale of DS9 was a misfire - especially in comparison to so much other brilliant plotting for the series - I don't think much could be gained by going back to rethink it. Still, a doc on the series would be worth watching.

Behind every so-called "president" is a candle of melting bacon fat.

Trump might as well have the words "Pays For Sex" tattooed on his forehead.