Jackson Forest

Completely agree. Kaitlin is why we tuned in to begin with but that cast has really helped keep us around. If they can just keep the writers brave, raunchy & fresh, this thing will take off.

Glamour comes to Bugtussle. Yee-haw!

Wow, even better than wrestling? What a time to be alive!

Crybaby Trump is going to have the most vilified administration of all time. And assuming that we survive, it's going to be hilarious.

I want Rosie as Bannon.

I'm feeling better about it now. The teasers so far have not been all that spectacular. Maybe it's better that way.

Spicer is a toad. This whole Trump mob is going to be satire-rich for as long as it lasts. And then some.

Does she get painted a lot?

AVC is busy watching wrestling. Go elsewhere for credible reviews of real entertainment.

He really doesn't know enough to talk about anything else. So pathetic.

I really need to stop looking at the AVC grades. Way, way off again.

One of the only shows on television where the kids seem real. But it's Kaitlin's show and she's brilliant. I hope they continue to crush it.

Good. The less I see of this lizard woman, lie weaver Spicer or any of the rest, the better.

Once the media gets over their fear of Trump and embraces the joy of baiting him instead, this is going to be spectacular.

Why do so many of Trump's minions look like her?

What a train wreck. No wonder she's good at playing to eye rolls and groans. But I like that she attacked Chris Matthews, who never fails to gush & slobber in her presence.

She's picked a Weasley and a beast. I'm thinking I have a shot.

Let's hope it's a trend.

If it's Coen's, I'm in.

Hope this is better than the review. Will know by tomorrow.