Jackson Forest

Big difference between random documents and documents that require inside knowledge of government information to be forged. The story is that someone near the top is trying to topple the free press. And it could be someone who swore an oath to do just the opposite.

You may be right. This season is off to a great start and getting the trio on the road has helped a ton. Lightening Jesse up some has helped a lot too.

It's not reverse psychology. It's just lies upon lies to tell more lies. That's all he does. Trump is a liar. It's his only skill.

It's an AV Club critic. The grades are ironic.

"The Myth of Sisyphus" was also a prominent reference in Season 2 and it's clear that Hawley has used it as a blueprint for all three seasons now. I expect to see it again next time.

Yep, same here. Loved every bit of it.

How dare you - how dare you all! Of course I too am frustrated by the glacial progression of TP's central character but I will never cede one iota of my highly valued Lynch-cred by citing it in open forum; lest I be brought down by other Lynch Warriors jockeying to replace me. Wait - alas! Gad, what have I done?

I'm happy that so many are liking this - I wish I was one of them. I've been a Lynch fan since 1980 and was in on Twin Peaks from the beginning, but this seems likes something else. The charm is forced and the mystery is merely a curiosity. Still, kind of fun in small parts - just hasn't put me in that amazing

I hope there's a real script for this one but I'm sure I'll see it regardless.

I've been fortunate to see most everything I've wanted to see at the theatre since the early 70s, but my picks would be: The Wizard of Oz, Citizen Kane, The Third Man, North By Northwest, Lawrence of Arabia and 2001: A Space Odyssey.

I was too little for most of the 60s moments, but not the 70s. At age 12, I was at the first showing of Star Wars - Day One. It re-wrote the way I saw movies.

We were going to cancel Showtime until I remembered Twin Peaks was coming. Gotta keep it now!

This may have been Odenkirk's strongest episode; several brilliant scenes. Comedians continue to prove themselves as amazing actors.

Since I'd never seen her before, my appreciation was completely uncompromised.

It's really neither for me. I just believe that Trump should be having milk steak with jellybeans. It's the true him.

I want that McNugget sauce, Morty - I want that sauce. It's my one-armed man.

It's not worth five bucks. That's why I've never paid that much for one.

This is a porn version of a super hero movie, right?

I would have loved to see Human Target get a third season. That was a terrific show.

Yes, the Filet-O-Fish - you have chosen wisely.