
Dig Me Out is indeed great, and Sleater-Kinney is far higher on my pantheon of great bands than Weezer, but none of their records is as good as Pinkerton. By the way, I’d pick The Hot Rock or Call the Doctor as best S-K, but they’re all great.

When something this vile makes sense within a system, one must raise some questions about the system.

I would like to start a new project to hurl asteroids at Jupiter to give it a ring. I am going to marry Jupiter.

Despite all that, this is probably going to be a huge hit with younger players who are unfamiliar with Bioware’s earlier catalog. I mean, if I was 17 I’d pick this game right up and go spend days playing with my friends. As a man in my mid-thirties, all I can say is that Mech games are cool, in theory. 

I found myself having to skip through the entire video. Every place I stopped it just seemed like nothing was happening. Even when they were shooting at stuff.

I’m sure it’ll be interesting, especially for people who are in love with the setting. But for me it just feels like “been there done that in HD.

This is probably the most visually stunning game I’ve ever seen and yet it still looks so fucking boooooooring.

They looked white to me, so nah.

“I’d have just shot the fuckers.”
-American police officers

I’m watching the news.

Yes. Let’s name the US government a terrorist organization. It is about damn time!

But, no, yeah, let’s keep doing the same thing and expect a different result!

I’m expecting an equally moronic reaction from establishment Democrats as well. Rather than read the writing on the wall and realize this is what the future of the party has to look like if we’re going to have a future at all it seems more likely they’ll just waste more money propping up the safe centrist white guys

“Proud Centrist. "

many cannot read and are already jumping to calling her a Communist/Marxist”

I, a socialist, fully support this motion.

Fuck that, we NEED the dems to get primaried by socialists. No more half measures. 

Behold the future of our party. Centrism doesn’t work anymore in a hyperpartisan environment. Our only opportunity is to provide a genuine alternative to the status quo, and this is it.

Friendly reminder: not only do we need to vote out the GOP motherfuckers, we need the Dems to fear getting primaried by socialists. Bill Clinton sent the Dems into the weeds of bootlicking plutocrats for a generation by triangulating for moderate centrists; we take the party, and our country’s, soul back by

Actually, I believe it’s going to pull the party hard in the left direction. :D

Even after this, expect Pelosi, Schumer, Feinstein, Manchin, et al. to howl and scream about how we’re diving the party and that this is just going to ruin all of their carefully laid plans for 2020.