
he certainly didn’t reverse ICE, he ramped that shit up.
also failing to prosecute the bankers behind the great recession, not a great look. The military actions in the Middle East? Not great either. 

Good president? Meh. I’d go with middling.

I thought I’d add a new take on a fan favorite.

Must be nice to be so wealthy, white, straight, male, cis, and old. Nothing is wrong with hoping that after this comes some era of peace... but that still leaves a bunch of people well and truly fucked. 

I’m not concerned about the death of the kind of “civility” that the NYT champions, where our politicians murmur sweet nothings to each other in dulcet tones while big business and the rich slowly fuck the rest of us in the ass, sans lube. I also think it’s insane to yammer about politeness while Donald fucking Trump

I used to get that lecture from my teachers (and sometimes my mom) after I got my ass beat by bullies. Usually from people who never had to deal with bullies.

Twitter is garbage and people should stop using it.

Civil disobedience is how you change things dipshit. Protest is supposed to be confrontational.

Ain’t it grand?

Fuck you.

technically its an incel phone

No writters name. You know they expect blowback

There’s that old Gawker feeling.

This counts as “chemical restraints” and is fucking illegal without going through the proper process, in which you have to justify the need for it on an individual basis. Even for people with mental illness or developmental disorders, chemical restraints are incredibly difficult to get approved, and for good fucking

Sadly, they rarely show their faces in their districts anymore. The transaction has become one that completely between the donors and the officeholders.

Counterpoint: We have been doing it gradually for the last 50 years. Medicare-for-All, which is functionally a single payer system, is an expansion of an existing system. Ideally, it would have been part of the ACA (i.e., the famed “public option”); however, instead it came in the form of an expansion of Medicaid,

“Miniature American Flags for others”.

Wow, it’s supported by basically every identifiable group, which is why Republicans will characterize it as an extremist position out of line with what most Americans want. I’m a little surprised that men are more supportive than women.

In related news, Hillary Clinton announced support for “Medicare-lite for Some.”