Jack Sampson

That doesn't fit every car.

Next to a bar/restaurant with an ocean view and a heated patio (the sign was in english), and in a misty and non-urban area, so I had to guess NW corner of the US.

I just clicked the link in your tweet, worked fine for me.

"Waht color is your shirt? hurr"

There are, but the chances are lower.

I couldn't tell the difference until it flutefish66 pointed it out.

Obligatory cat shot.

That's why I think that starting out on an all manual film camera is necessary for all photographers. It taught me how to frame shots, ways to play with focus, depth of field, etc. You can only take so many photos, so you learn to think about shots.

They exits: http://www.japantrendshop.com/calamete-calamente-pasta-fork-set-p-388.html

Relevant XKCD - http://xkcd.com/1138/

That's really cool, and only slightly terrifying.

I've read some people suggesting using it as a server for just yourself, so you could play from different computers. Other than that, not very well.

That would have been nice.

Gaffers tape is amazing.


Can anyone identify the equipment off to the right, as well as the computer case?

I have a Gerber Dime on my keychain, and it's amazing. The blade is sharp and stays sharp, and the pliers are great for pulling out splinters. The box cutter is also a valuable tool, too.

What about imgur?

You're doing an AMA on a website that isn't Reddit? BLASPHEMY.

I like you.