Jack Sampson

Of course, a week after my Japanese final.

You all should do a 5 best, with a poll. I'd be interested to see where Lifehacker readers store their code.

Just a pet peeve, but I literally can't distinguish from most of those colors up there. Red-green color blindness is the most common type, come on, people!

I hope it could be added later on via a software patch.

Mid-sex, you're labeling him: left nut, right nut...

With Apple, you pay for it to work out of the box, and that's exactly what the Time Capsule does.


the NSA can break a SSL 256bit security key in seconds...

Vote: Ideative ES1654W-05

I'd be all for a system that could be turned on, the default being off, and would alert both parties. That way, if my kid was going out with friends somewhere were they don't know, I could turn it on and keep an eye on them. If my kid was lost, they could turn on the tracking and I'd get a push notification. If they

I'd be all for a system that could be turned on, the default being off, and would alert both parties. That way, if my kid was going out with friends somewhere were they don't know, I could turn it on and keep an eye on them. If my kid was lost, they could turn on the tracking and I'd get a push notification. If they

I'd be all for a system that could be turned on, the default being off, and would alert both parties. That way, if my kid was going out with friends somewhere were they don't know, I could turn it on and keep an eye on them. If my kid was lost, they could turn on the tracking and I'd get a push notification. If they

As someone who knows the dangers of having a bad password, do you still have a catch-all password for unimportant things?

The headline photo is adorable, you have to give them that.

It's actually both.

They've gotten much better recently, when I got my license a few years back, I was in and out in under an hour.

Where can you find a $25 64 GB flash drive?

VOTE: Crashplan