Jack Sampson

Look out! He's going to wish a virus on you SO HARD!

I can pretty much guarantee that screws of that size, the precision screwdriver, and the metal cost more than $3 for materials and manufacturing.

A star that size wouldn't do anything. It would need to be massive to do anything.

Just get a couple of these and you're good. Especially useful for hangovers.

Hah! Joke's on you, my dad comes to my LAN parties!

Just a couple things:

This just in: Sex makes men stop thinking! News at 11.

So, in summary, 0 fucks given?

We can't do that, a second is used for many, many measurements. A second is defined as "the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium 133 atom."

Not really. For a planet to be a planet, it has to be large enough to pull itself into a sphere. The chances of some planetary body like a football forming alone are next to zero, not even counting it being within the habitable zone, being able to support life, supporting life, and that life being cows. Nowhere near

I, for one, like his writing and find nothing wrong with his articles. Back to your cave, troll.


You should be able to wipe and install Snow Leopard from scratch.

From what I've read, they started out as rivals, but aren't as big as they seem to be. I think they know their niches, Apple innovates like their fans want and Microsoft keeps a lot the same like their fans want.

Is that a ring on his finger? STOP THE PRESSES!

Apple is a hell of a lot more than hardware, they're a software company, a digital distribution platform (software and music/movies), an electronic publishing medium, an ISP (Internet services meaning: iCloud and the soon to be defunct MobileMe), and a cult.

"I could chase after the guy with a gun, or sit here and keep drowning out my problems."

Drinking, then running a mile? Dang, these guys deserve awards.

Not for my uses. My school uses Deploy Studio to image all of the computers that are on our network. Each teacher and students get laptops that we image with stuff like Office, class-specific apps, and other stuff. It makes our lives so much easier. No ethernet means we wouldn't be able to do this, unless a
