Jack Sampson

Oh no! How dare Apple not make theit software for their main competitors operating system perfect! Bad Apple! I mean, Microsoft made a 123% perfect version of Office for Mac, no problems what-so-ever!

What about MobileMe?

I'm pretty sure "I have a bomb" in an airport is enough for them to shoot.

How do you not have a star? Someone, give this man a star! (Because I have no clue how to :/ )

I would drop it off on a UPS truck

Read the article linked in the text.

Oh, I mean I lost the stick, I still have my keys.

I might try it now.

I used to keep one attached to my keys, but after losing a few of them from breaking off, I decided to give up. I gave up and use dropbox.

Lots of private middle and high schools do, plus a good amount of small businesses for the click-and-go type configuration. But they still aren't enterprise level, especially after they got rid of Xserv.

After reading through these comments, I have deducted that this JasonGW guy is mad and jelly.

The Geniuses you talk to are actually just the sales staff, not the actual Geniuses. It's too hard to diagnose "my iPhone wont work" or "my laptop's broken" by just looking at it, they have to run hardware and software tests. Even after that, they normally have to explain it to, well, technologically stupid people. If

We've had this in Indiana for a while now. They rock. Were they only in Indiana?

He didn't do this to be cheap, he did this just for fun. And what the hell? Just because he did something most of us couldn't do doesn't make him nuts or a cheapskate. Seriously, this is just mean. This is the kind of petty bullying that happens in grade school, not on a widely known blog. Every other post I've seen

The coastline of Peru.

Well, if it's important, you should find out in a week or so when someone yells at you.

Wow, you really bit, didn't you?

They mad.


And when you drop it...