Took 'em long enough. Blizzard's been doing this with accounts for a long time now. Well, in a way.
Use MobileMe and dont keep anything super vital on there that isn't backed up on your computer through iTunes. It's not that hard.
Aha! The earth one is in one of Cheezburger's videos, at 2:31.
People fold sheets? I just kind of wad them up into a laundry basket and grab them when I need them.
It looks terrible but is still a good camera. I've never had a problem with any of my Pentax cameras. I've been using my dad's old K-1000 for film, and just retired his old K-100D for a K-x. I've loved them all and have never had a problem with them. They take great pictures and are sturdy and well built. My K-x is…
@MazdaMania: <3 I love the driving analogy. I find that funny, because teenagers can screw up their future both driving and using facebook, both of which some are better at than others.
@Whitson Gordon: Or you can have the URL say pop and the title say soda, like this one.
This is why I edited my hosts file to foreword to
@comrade_leviathan: +1
Hah, I saw one when I went to an Apple store that had the low battery warning, then wen we left, it was dead. I could see the power cord below the bubbles.
That's...that's innovative.
@Jack Sampson: Hah, wow, I just posted this to see the results. They see me trollin, they haitin.
On another note, where is the special Google logo?
@Zinger314: sudo Make the single holdout give in
Religion is bullshit and there is no god.
@ProudGeek: +1
@Ella Psy.D: Same here. I've only had problems in the rocky mountains, where I had service 40% of the time, and the Verizon phones along had it 20% tops.
@angelo_a: Building, upgrading, and maintaining towers costs a ton of money, they can't build more towers if they have to upgrade their current towers.