
This is a repost of my comment yesterday on a similar article but thought I’d leave it here for anyone interested in a different take:

It’s not the male gaze that’s made little girls buy princess dolls for all these years,” she added. “They’re into it. And so we’re into it. Who’s been the fan base that’s kept Wonder Woman alive all these years? Women. So let her be every glorious thing that she is. Including hot and beautiful and sexy and loving and

Got introduced to this band through Baby Driver, been loving them ever since.

I disagree with the OP but this is a weird escalation and personal jab at the OP for no real reason.

Pretty much the comprehensive response to this whole thing.

I just use anime as my relationship guide. Its why I am a successful, real person that is definitely distinguishable from a Reddit bot.

To be clear, I’m not claiming anyone’s legal, first amendment free speech protections are being violated in that example. I would argue, just semantically, that their free speech is being abridged, but that its a legal abridging of that free speech*.

They really haven’t. Its true that the original trangressive slant of their humor worked better when we were lambasting regressive social norms, but now that norms have become more progressive it has served as fertilizer for conservative/regressive attitudes. Being transgressive is no longer subversive in a good way.

This is really cool and a great example of how all of us that benefit from disparities can find situations where we can use our privilege to help level the field in a small way.

I think we’re missing the nuance of the concern discussed in this article. The risk adverse nature of corporations might encourage more companies to re-think their relationship with streamers in light of continued, high-profile controversies like these.

The more streamers like PewDiePie associate the brand of video

I really am not a fan of these visuals so far. I know they’ve stressed they’re not the final ones, but they have said they’re sticking with the polygon look. That combined with the amount of Gaussian blur going on here is really distracting.

“They inconsistently apply their rules because... they can.”

This is kinda silly reasoning. This is a platform that holds a large impact on how modern PC games and indie games get distributed to a wide audience. The fact that they’re inconsistent in applying their own policy is a legitimate discussion/critique to have.


I think we’re under-estimating mainstream America’s capacity for enjoying that kind of veiled, dog-whistle racism.

I could easily see the “meant to go down easy” nature of the Today show pair well with a host that could always delve into milquetoast, “all sides are bad” style commentary when she needs to.

GASP! Dissenting opinions on debated, controversial subjects? In the opinion section of a respected newspaper no less?!!!

This article’s timing could not be better as my forced return to Zombie Gawker has reminded me of why I left to begin with: the insistence that progressivism demands a single, unified narrative on

Its not a laughing matter, glad you think its a joke though.

You’re right. The fact that you don’t think you have to even engage with this issue is much more gross.

Its beyond gross to see intersectionality used as an excuse to not approach an issue from an intersectional perspective.

It’s pretty gross actually to suggest that one’s wokeness should be predicated on how you read an ambiguous situation of sexual assault. 

Dude, every article about Taylor Swift you’ve been on here talking about how her music is appealing to white racists, and now apparently, Nazis. Apparently she is also not only failing to embrace leftist politics, but also is somehow failing to embracing “centrist” politics. Your comment on the lyric video was