
So we CAN count on progressives to step up and vote, even if the candidate doesn’t score 100% on the purity test and “inspire” them?

That’s not how any of this works in practicality. I get what you’re saying, but the Supreme Court has ruled against that line of reasoning throughout our history pretty religiously when it comes to media.

Except the Supreme Court already ruled that video games are protected under the First Amendment and stores that sell M-rated games already have store policies that require them to not sell them to 18-year olds and to card people who purchase them.

Counter-point: No. It’s free speech and the government should never regulate what private citizens can or cannot buy (EDIT: When it comes to media) regardless of age. All ratings boards are voluntary for a reason.

What decade is it where you are? Practically every big company has one of those.

[any] political beliefs

No, encouraging the breaking of employment laws and creating a hostile workspace is why he was fired. He could no longer do his job without causing problems.

There is a fine line between armed insurrection and resistance to an oppressive regime. I’m sure we’d disagree where that line is drawn. In my view, we live in a constitutional democracy, and therefore “revolution” should be a result of the democratic process. Armed insurrection is only permitted when the government

I am a pro-Second Amendment gun owner. I own multiple guns, including a semi-auto AK47 (not an AR15). Here are my thoughts:


“If someone wants to [...] they will find a way to [...] and no law will stop them. We can make it harder for them to [...] but that takes time and money!”

And you mentioned Chicago specifically because....?

When I was first studying criminology and profiling it was well before Columbine. You had your Charlie Starkweathers and your Charles Whitmans, but most of spree killers like this tended to be 25-45 age range because the thing that set them off was usually loss of job or status at home. Or their wives leaving them.

While racism is a part of many social problems in America it’s entirely wrong to call gun control purely a racial concern. The truth of the matter is THAT is another narrative (with some truth to it) which actually reduces the effect of people fighting for gun control. You say that and a whole bunch of people who LOVE

I suppose it doesn’t help that a LOT of people’s immediate response to anything posted online is just to assume the worst possible interpretation - often without even thinking there might be an alternative - and immediately piling on. And this is just fuelled by what you’ve said above, where everything must either be

So Atari did the whole tech org thing right and majority of their female employees seem to back it up. But we shouldn’t celebrate it because THEY are responsible for the garbage treatment the industry has given women afterwards. Somewhat I’m not entirely convinced.

That cut scene actually sounds like a great way to flesh out characters that might otherwise not be fleshed out. And easy, too — it sounds like it’s about a thirty second scene.

But smoking WAS foolish back then and people WERE foolish for doing it. Just because the information wasn’t there doesn’t mean they weren’t doing bad things. Just because those sort of actions were acceptable in the 70s doesn’t mean that they were good, and it’s not like Nolan is addressing those things today with

Ocala to the Cape isn’t exactly a road trip. Why he got a hotel for that is beyond me.

how is the spaceX launch relevant here? seems like whoever wrote this is just using buzz topics to sensationalize an otherwise common murder.