Its worth noting Arpaio’s cruelty and violation of civil rights extends beyond the more publicized jail:
If he didn’t include that in there it’d be easy for us to just say that it must be something else besides the virginity, especially since we don’t want to come off as supporting that Nice Guy (TM) attitude that women are shallow/in it for the sex. looks, etc.
I think the issue is clearly his abstinence angle, not the…
Yeah, I think we actually agree and are just talking past each other as they say.
In this case, it seems that he’s not getting enough sex or not getting whatever type of sex he wants....This could absolutely be worked on and he has a moral obligation to do so as a partner in a monogamous relationship.
He deserves zero props for motoring past therapy
For what its worth, the St Louis Dispatch article says the intersection wasn’t closed by police at the time this happened. Not saying this changes the morality of what happened but a lot of people are bringing up the street being closed so worth noting the distinction.
From the St Louis Dispatch article:
For what its worth, the street wasn’t blocked off at the time he was there.
I don’t think its beyond the pale to ask that spoilers for future, never-before released episodes of a massively popular show not be included in the headline of an article.
It is predictable that this ends up happening, but it was by no means a settled question and there was literally debate on this very website about…
I think you’re equating “racism” with “explicit beliefs or actions”. Implicit racism borne from being acculturated in a racist society is something that all white/privileged individuals have and is unavoidable. This has been a pretty dominant line of reasoning among social justice advocates.
I actually lately have…
They say if you cut open a Root and count the number of songs inside you can tell their age.
It wouldn't be an article about millennials if it wasn't also an example of the inanity of articles about millennials.
Ignoring the "boohoo, white males are oppressed" vibes, there is a good point here about modern humor not being as transgressive as social norms become more progressive.
His point is that if the only way you can "fail" walking simulator games like Tacoma is to actively avoid playing it, then its no different then actively leaving a theater.
This is a nonsense response.
We care because Da Vinci's brand marketing has really taken off after since his death, thanks to historians, pop-culture, and art critics.
"Cynicism means you just aren't a sheep like others" is part of Rick and Morty's DNA too and the associated mistrust of government, politics, etc are all there as well.
I feel like this isn't much of a "hot" take since it dovetails with the idea that millennials are just another self-centered/small-minded youth generation that will invariably find out their beliefs are the result of their youth.
Are we still making fun of David Brooks columns?