
That tightrope movie looked asinine, honestly. JGL in a wig and a period turtleneck? No thanks.

So you’re saying each and every post on a largely gossip site that caters to a mainly female audience should always veer into seriousness?

Nice, but considering we’re at the absolute peak of the super hero movie craze, and soon, we’ll be exhausted from Star Wars. . .

Right now, all of Lilio’s options are fading. The clock is rapidly running out on being the mistress of a Chinese or Arab billionaire. She’s going to have to settle for some 50 year old Silicon Valley CEO.

KELVIN! declares those wear too much Wanderlust.

For me, that was the worst part. As I recall, she heated it up in an old sauce pan and then scooped it onto their plates. And then after they had forced some down, she revealed it was from the garbage.

Oh, I’m not saying I’m living any better than you. I’m just saying as far as a trust fund goes. . . it’s not that great*. You could live almost a year on it in NYC, provided you had roommates and didn’t leave your place much. I’m supposing a trust fund is a way of saying you come from money.

I get that people want to save money. Especially here in this terrible mess of a lop-sided city. But she was a top biller, making several hundred thousand dollars a year. She didn’t give any indication that she was giving her money to the needy, or her poor family, and therefore living a spartan life out of charity.

Being on a reality show is one thing. I don’t believe PwC would have been upset if she was featured on a home renovation show. I think what they were disturbed by was her demonstrating how she wipes her ass, and then feeding her (unwitting) guests food she pulled out of trash bags in front of a Westside Market.

That is a sad trust fund. It’s a nice savings account, though.

Having read that when I was a kid, I can say you over paid by $0.44.

A great way to pick up some botulism.

Now playing

And now the US government, bearers of non-communist freedoms, spies on all its citizens, dust free.

White guys in black voice. Nice to know the Amos and Andy tradition lives on.

Don’t worry, you can still go to Serendipity.

Not focusing on hippies is one of the things that makes the show so great. The baby boomers are so goddamned nearsighted that they think the whole world was obsessed by their music and fucking Woodstock. This show is fantastic because it recognizes that there was a world outside of that “flower power” bullshit.

I can confirm he is unpleasant. But I get it. Not the most enjoyable or profitable way to make a living.

Please be the daughter of Amy Tan

Courtney Cox luck-fucked her way the Hollywood equivalent to Chief Account Executive at a decent firm .
