
On a somewhat related note Audi of Wilsonville tweeted this yesterday.

I really need everyone to start bad mouthing and disparaging the CSL so they are somewhat "reasonable" when they're legal to import. Thanks :P

"Merlin Purple" RS6 thinks your blue RS4 is cute and pats it on the head.

Ooh yes!

You know what's a good car that definitely exists? The $1.8 million Zenvo. That's a car that exists, for sure.

Its almost worse because you couldn't really even say why you were laughing...because if they didn't think you were weird before, they sure as hell will now

like these two cars amitrite...(r32 and toyota cressida)

I think these are very valid comparisons. They illustrate what exactly is spending another $30k getting you (or maybe more appropriately for most of us, what not being able to afford the extra $30k denies us).

I'm still saying this needs to go and now be replaced by a ducktail.


Don't have more than 2. We're already over populating the planet. Just focus on 2 good ones instead of 5 morons.

How I wish the Falcon was our big global sedan rather than the Taurus. The Fusion can do everything the Taurus does better, so what is the point?

Bro, did you even lift?

Since it's in northern California, I'm going to stereotype wildly and propose that the participants all went to Cal (last Rose Bowl visit in the 50s) and Stanford (can't fill their new shrunken stadium even though they're good now). So of course they would view New Year's Day as full of dumb bowls.