@wickedcupofjoe: That's actually not a good idea. You want to keep the area around the thermostat free so the sensors can get an accurate temperature.
@wickedcupofjoe: That's actually not a good idea. You want to keep the area around the thermostat free so the sensors can get an accurate temperature.
I also remember is being bad etiquette to take the last piece of anything off the table. Of course, my entire time spent in Japan was spent drinking, eating and playing golf.
@Phoshi: I'm with you on this. I like Windows 7 a lot, but I never had a problem with Vista. Then again, the most complex thing I do on my computer is use Dia to make flowcharts.
@warsaw_andy: I also have the same problem about going to bed too late. I set an alarm on my crackberry to go off at 10:00 PM as a reminder to get ready for bed. So far so good, but we'll see if it works long term.
@kev: I was going to let that go :)
@FourInchHeels: I didn't think I was being passive. Perhaps I should be more over the top. :)
@orbitbreak: A bar chart will show proportions better. Can you really tell the difference between "Buy Something New", "Quit Habit", "Get (New) Job", "Do Something Less", "Eat Better", and "Do Something More"?
My resolution is the teach Lifehacker editors how to make a proper chart. Pie charts are not the proper way represent this sort of data. A bar chart would be much easier to read and understand.
@jeffk: Try this vegan recipe I use:
I once had a private tasting with a sommlier at La Tour d'Argent (Bing it if you don't know about it). His comment to me was that the best wines are the ones that bring you joy. That's the rule you need to know.
@AmphetamineCrown: Ah, my wife would kill me if I had a girlfriend.
Why would anyone want to get the smell of garlic off their hands?
This is a lifehack?
What exactly is the point of Google Wave?
These are underhyped? Compared to what? Google? Microsoft? Obama?
Best: Sesame St (esp. the Tina Fey episode - my wife still has no idea why I keep that one on Permasave on the TiVo. )
@UpstateUnderdog: My wife went to HS with her so we meet up with her occasionally when she passes through. Back in the day, I'm sure she was smoking... now she look like a pretty good looking 40 year old.
Does anyone how I can sync my Blackberry Calendar to Mozilla's Lightning or Sunbird calendar applications?
@TheFu: Great comment!
Just as an estate planning note, you should have the following always up to date: