
You should care because it's basically how businesses judge you. You undergo credit checks far more often than you think. Want to get a new phone with a new account? The carrier runs a credit check. Go to the Apple Store to buy an iPad? Bingo, credit check. Your insurance carriers probably check your credit

An easy way to clean the grill is to wad up a bunch of paper towels, soak it thoroughly in water and then use the brush to push across a hot grill. Some good steam-cleaning action.

I can't believe no one went to the Apple 10-K to review their inventory policies. Well, then again, maybe I can. From page 79:

"I can't believe I spent 10 minutes of my workday typing out these instructions when I know that you're just going to walk over and ask me how to do it. Basically, your masters from Smith must have been in muffdiving your instructors, because that's all you seem to be good at, if our boss is correct.

never mind

I did take a pay cut for more flexibility. After B-school, I had offers from three major consulting firms and another from the federal government.

@KamWrex: I have a feeling we are going to be waiting for a long long time.

@Scott: It's important to use commerically available technology for these sorts of projects. Faster, cheaper, easier to procure and replace.

Thanks all. I need to show off my dashboards and will look into some sort of Android tablet to make this happen. I can't seem to get it to work in my iPad.

Can this show excel files?

@DetroiterInNYC: I had a similar experience. Looked awesome, performed like crap.

I had a bamboo case from Grove. It took two months to get to me, kept sliding off the phone (or more accurately, the phone kept sliding out of it) and finally it just crumbled. Worst $80 I ever made my mother-in-law spend.

@abeeee: That's what I was wondering. I love Guiness and espresso.

Why can't I just Email myself? I need an app for that?

Who ate all the pies?

Great looking space. I can smell the stale Gauloises, lack of hygiene and the fresh-baked breads of St. Germain des pres! Wonderful.

I prefer a combination of whiskey, warm water, lemon and honey. In a pinch, you can skip the lemon and honey. And even the warm water.

Hopefully MSFT comes out with a software based version of their KIN system. That looked really cool, even if the phones were craptacular.

@Artifex: You mean like paper?