
I liked Enslaved a lot, but I’m not interested in permadeath (or over-the-top challenge in general) in games. Sadly this sounds like a pass.

Holy hell, people are stupid. How did this many people not detect the

Honestly, yeah. I feel like the few times I’ve legitimately found someone worth talking to while playing random PUGs in anything (The Division, WoW, Halo... anything) is dwarfed by the sheer amount of times I’ve just been so overwhelmed by negativity... or someone playing music through their headphones... or someone

Planned Parenthood got my Christmas money. I haven’t missed a single thing I thought I wanted.

They appreciate it. As someone who pays her bills through an ACLU salary, I thank you all deeply. The ACLU is very good people and they are going to be tireless the next 4 years.

A-welp. So much for the small shopping spree I had planned with (part of) my income tax refund. Hope the ACLU appreciates the donation!

Wow, this could get really ugly...

WoW Drama.

I strongly hope they appeal this, or pay up then pull out of Australia entirely. The level of commitment (thus, real and potential expense) for a distributor and for a developer to guarantee a subjective “acceptable quality” is significant, and all players will end up paying for it, not just Australians.

BUY THIS GAME. It’s awesome.

BUY THIS GAME. It’s awesome.


Then they would have had a summer of people bitching that they “didn’t have the guts” to kill an “important character.”

Agreed. The premiere worked for me for two reasons:

Counterpoint : if you don’t read the comics, avoided the chatter and conjecture all summer and just watched the show last night, like I did, it was totally worth it.

I’m always interested in how things run under the hood. A carry over from when I worked in games. No Man’s Sky is, if anything else, a very complicated and interesting game from a programming standpoint!

I’m so glad I never bought into the hype and always saw this game for what it was: a programming feat.

hahahaha omg chill out jeesh, just making a general statement from what i know of people playing this near me

in other news... Niantic still doesnt have any updates on tracking.

Games are iterative. The game that introduces something isn’t necessarily the game that manages to popularize it. Very often, they’re not even the game that gets it “right.”

I can’t believe 2016 is a real year that we’re all living through.