
Your point was “How can me being condescending come off as condescending?”

Saying “gg ez” isn’t constructive, it’s destructive. It’s insulting in competition and always has been, and “try harder” is just as insulting.

If you think it was an easy win, great, move on with your life. I’m pretty sure the team that got beat knows that they got beat once that “Defeated” slams on their screen. No

“GG EZ” is 100% shit talking, despite you trying to jump through hoops to justify how it isn’t.

They would say it even if the match was good, long, and intense as a means to insult the opposing team.

Yup, I can really tell how you’re such a respectful person from how you’re defending people shittalking total strangers. That’s a very believable claim.

That behavior seems acceptable to you, but other people think it’s kind of obnoxious. So that’s why it’s terrific.

“If it was easy, it was easy. I’ve won games against opponents that couldn’t make it past their base. That’s easy. Saying it’s easy is like saying “try harder” cause that was easy...”

the pro-“free speech”/anti-any-sort-of-consequence-for-being-a-noxious-dick crowd is throwing a fit over this

Part of the appeal for some children could be that Ash isn’t the best, and the show is probably trying to teach lessons about being a sore loser. Okay, fine. Part of the point of having Ash constantly lose is that it’s easy for kids to plug into the show whenever. This is Ash, a good kid, and he always loses.

Maybe I’ll make a male-only sarcastic comment compilation, so more attention gets paid to this vastly underrepresented demographic.

Shut up.

Yes those poor women always vastly underrepresented on cosplay picture compilations.

If only there was a voice for these poor, marginalized females because no one on the internet anywhere every pays attention to a woman who is cosplaying.

Truly this needed to be a women-only gallery. Keep fighting the good fight.

i just dont get it. its complicated, slow as fuck, if you’re 1inch from where you’re supposed to be you’re dead. wtf is the draw of a moba?

My battery actually drains slower than ever without the feature. Because I can’t track down nearby Pokemon.

I don’t understand... do you play this game by carrying around a PC? And what does device capability have to do with server issues?

Wow. These people are frighteningly out of touch.

Lighten up, Francis.

Apologies for the Pokémon Go saturation. You see, pursuant to recently enacted Federal Pop Culture Freedom statute (thanks, Obama), media outlets are currently required to pick the pretend-nerd topic of either Pokémon Go or Stranger Things to beat to death like a dead horse until a new president is inaugurated. Kind

Yeah, i’m still playing when i’m about, the little time that pokevision was up was long enough to see some patterns of what types turn up where locally.

Here’s the thing. I heard they made something like $10 million/day at one point. Hire someone. Now. A lot of someones. They weren’t ready for this game to explode like it did. They need more hands on deck now. The money is there.