
I think people forget how god damn tedious some of those mechanics were.

No thanks! I refuse to grind 1,000 gold again for an epic mount.

I have way less time to play video games than I used to. Things like this are helpful for me.

Because some people want to be efficient with their time?

OMG someone calmly and mildly criticized something in a game we better type up a whiny comment accusing the author of being more mad than he actually was

Interesting how after 23 comments, now 24, you’re the only one to bring this up... and in such a mature way too.

They don’t need to do anything. It’s their game.

If they think it’s not worth it to run a legacy server for a small audience, then I’m inclined to trust them.

If they would rather not let people outside blizzard run their game on private servers, that’s their right.

Was very much understandable prior to this: 

Judging by the Switch’s sales numbers and hype (around Doom and the system itself), it would appear that the game being portable is NOT a poor excuse to most people. ;)

Nah, I’m good. I even play most games at 720p on PC. 60 fps can be a bare minimum when the majority of the world isn’t in poverty. For now I, and the majority of gamers, need gaming devices to be a little more affordable. Thanks.

The thing is fucking portable. Bleeding edge graphics are not supposed to be its thing.

Whether a game is running well is always relative to the technical specifications, and if you don’t accept the specifications, that is a whole different issue.

But this is a tablet running a AAA game from just this last year.

Most people don’t believe me, but I literally cannot tell the difference between 30 and 60 frames unless they’re side by side.

> won’t that really only end up punishing the black players?

I would imagine that that’s the whole point.

Keep telling yourself that.

Ah, this makes so much sense. All those black guys who died first in every action or horror movie weren’t pushovers, they were just playing on Legendary.

That’s a fucking bold move.

Cue alt-right meltdown