

That was one of the few points (the other being the bizzare Tim/Barbera ship) of the game that infuriated me.

I’m just glad I won’t have to make ridiculous jumps or arbitrarily fight bosses in it instead of hand to hand like in Arkham Origins. YES I AM STILL MAD ABOUT THE DEATHSTROKE BOSS FIGHT!

but in most case, wont mechanical’s “deeper” key press mean slower respondes?

Go fuck yourself, who cares?

Ugh ... I really hope you’re just being funny. If not, drop the elitist attitude.

Someone’s too cool for school.

He’s actually one of the more humble LoL players who would like the community to get along more. This was probably not taken negatively by the other players in the game as he could have killed the enemy Azir with a simple spell but instead stopped to channel his ultimate in good humor.

So... Basically it just shows him to be a holier than thou prick. Sounds about right for LoL, unfortunately...

maybe you don’t play hardcore mode... but the idea of rezing a character in it for any reason feels wrong.

A lot more people own iPhones than PlayStations.


“Your best? Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and f*ck the prom queen!”

That's not at all what the XB1 is doing. It's running a 360 emulator layer, that's all. A very good emulator.

Let the record show that Chris volunteered to review Mad Max. You brought this on yourself, man!

except paying customers got to play the game for 3 years before free users.
and paid users still get special treatment in comparisson. and dont be stupid and buy games at launch....rookie mistake.

Only sold 6 million? Square Enix would probably call that a failure.

So the story is that an asshole started sucking, got good again, and now has justification to go back to being an asshole? A really moving tale of growth and redemption.

I have such conflicting feelings regarding this.