
I tried it on wireless AC and it was no good. You really have to use ethernet in my experience.

Why would you need 120 fps at 1080p on WoW? There are only like six pixels in the whole game.

I was always a commenter. Now I just get paid for it.

It’s not only about funding but about the creative freedom it allows, they dont have to listen some publisher when it comes to features and design. Also why change a winning concept, the first game was a huge success.

so let me get this straight...

10 years later and the game still has ~6 million monthly subscribers; I’m sure they’re all scrambling over at Blizzard HQ right now because brokenfury8585 is going with “too little to late blizz.”

I’m exactly the same. Most people I know prefer NV but it just never gripped me the way that 3 did, not even close.

I had a similar reaction to Fallout 4 footage... but instead of going back to the beloved Fallout 3...

Hey, I loved Ledger’s performance as much as the next guy but maybe we shouldn’t judge Leto based on 5 seconds of screen time in a trailer?

Not gonna lie that last shot of his Joker was pretty damn cool.

Your response is perfect Jason. Thank you.

We need reporting that’s not just paid advertising. In everything, not just the games industry. I’m actually shocked it still exists. Two thumbs up!

If you think that game sites should publish stories based on what developers want them to publish, I recommend you visit one of the many sites that does just that. On the other hand, if you want an independent games press that covers stories we think are interesting and/or important — even if developers and publishers

This game has more jump scares than a horror game.

This game has jump scared me more than once when I’ve grappled up certain buildings.

That’s kinda... morally wrong. This guy sounds like he’s kind of a jerk. Seriously, who just does that? In any industry?

It’s WB not Rocksteady that’s responsible for this mess.

Nope, it strikes me as honest. It also makes sense from a business perspective.

This is my thought exactly. It complete took me out of the movie to believe someone that failed their drivers test could possibly successfully drive stick.

Mine was when the I-Rex took a break from killing anything with a heartbeat to ask the Raptor Pack to join up, even though it had never encountered a Raptor before and has zero understanding of how they communicate with each other.