
Right! Drunks are no fun. My friends and I would probably do this completely sober, so fuck those tools.

Just go for it. It's a great system. Admittedly, I'm really considering importing the 2000.

I know. It just came off as hating on the Xbox One and to be honest, it's getting old.

No, I meant implication, as in "if the author was implying this was a problem with the Xbox One's specs."

I doubt this is a problem with the Xbox One's specs, if that was at all the implication.

Agreed. I'd really like this to happen, but it never will.

That memory card is tempting me... But I still feel wrong about indulging them in their ridiculous pricing. I got my 32 GB SD card for 20 bucks. They just need to switch, already.

I'll be honest, I didn't know that Powershell supported all of the commands that CMD does. Literally just tried a few things that I use on a regular basis and you're right, it's awesome.

The idea that anybody really needs one, to me, is still ridiculous. You can say everything you think you need it for but in reality, you could do just fine without it. People were fine and productive well before smartphones and people can be fine and productive, now, without them. That's not just for kids, that's for

Right! I bought a 32GB card (for 15 bucks) and I know I'll never use it. If my Vita supported SDs, I'd be all digital because that's something it does extremely well.

Just give me till March... We're not all soul-suckers. I'm actually quite good with kids and provide a nice shade when you want to sleep in on the weekend.

We've been waiting for Dark Souls 2 to come out of beta.

There's just so many little things that make it hard to feel like I'm on a current gen console. I should have access to an entire library that can link to my account. I'd gladly pay full price for all games, knowing I couldn't trade them in, if I could do that. That includes a reasonable 10-15 dollars for some

Yeah, people argue for anything they want to justify. I do it, just not with my 3DS. The point stands - your digital library is digital. It should be redownloadable. Nintendo is giving us very little reason to have a downloaded library without simple things like that and downloading older titles for the Gameboy

Especially considering you can't redownload your shit. If it wasn't for some of the games, I'd predominantly on my Vita. Seriously, how do they get away with not having an account managed device in this day in age?

In these parts, dares can bring a swift death. And I accept that.

The controls are something you just have to learn to appreciate. They're not bad. In fact, I dare say they're exceptional. It's designed to be precise as to make everything you do mean something (most of the time dying a terrible death).

Me: 17 hours. Some people on Reddit were already 35-40 hours in. Like, damn guys. Do you even work?

Not gonna lie... I got Fennekin just so I could say, "What does a fox say???" every time it went into battle.