
Potter treating everyone like shit was one of the better and more realistic touches - he’s a hero and the Chosen One, but he’s also a 15 year old boy and even the best of them are gonna be a bit of an asshole at times.

It wasn’t critically acclaimed but the live-action Beauty and the Beast was a MASSIVE hit for Disney and Watson.

This sounds like inviting mice and bugs to chew/crawl into your packages in transit.

Snow was played by Donald Sutherland; Hoffman played Games architect/double agent and revolution spin doctor (sigh) Plutarch Heavensbee.

But the show is very intentionally not called “Elizabeth” or “The Queen”, it’s called “The Crown”. It’s about the institution itself - both how Elizabeth approaches wearing it and how it shapes the relationships of everyone else to the person wearing it and the person/people destined to wear it.

I have the series stored on my cloud drive after ripping it off DVDs I burned from torrents from Kazaa and Pirate Bay and I know I'm not alone.

Trump is too vain and too stubborn to ever do the smart thing and hole up in a non-extradition country. He needs the spotlight and to project the image of a ‘fighter’ or a ‘winner’ way too much.

It’s the same logic as the sous-vide: you’re leeching the chemicals from the flower to bond with your fat by holding it at a warm (not boiling) temperature for a length of time.

He tries very rarely nowadays, but Vin Diesel is actually a good actor - somewhat limited in range, but really charismatic and of course, skilled at using that gravel-in-a-cement-mixer voice.

Reese’s: great!

Ji-ah addressed that very point in her confession to Atticus in her standalone episode: “We’ve both done monstrous things - but that does not make us monsters.”

Jack’s two friends - or as my wife refers to them: Muscles Marinara and Irish McIrishkins - are barely characters and rather a collection of grating accents and cultural stereotypes.

I think the show invites us to make the comparison. We see each couple have or try to have sex 3 times.

Hughes never pursued ‘Hillary’ - she had to come on pretty strong to him to begin her revenge

I think it was her way of ‘coming out’ - she cares for Ruby but was unwilling to do so in her female form before Ruby truly understood the power of the transformative magic. She could have just run back into the basement but chose not to.

Yes, it was a black torso - there are Frankenstein-style stitches around his neck and biceps, most clearly seen as he starts to button his clean shirt.

Ruby never applied for the salesgirl job as ‘Ruby’. She talked a mean game about it to her sister but by the time she actually found the courage, she saw Tamara was already hired and knew the store wouldn’t hire two black women so she never even submitted her resume. She and we find out that Tamara wasn’t hired for

The soundtrack is “brilliant” because it’s just a collection of top 10 hits. There’s little cohesion or connection to it. It’s like calling a Time/Life Sounds of the 60s and 70s compilation “brilliant”.

Two things: