When he asked that question, I just turned to my wife and muttered “aw, shit”.
When he asked that question, I just turned to my wife and muttered “aw, shit”.
Makes me wonder if we’ll see a young Fred Hampton as well given the themes and location (his family and Till’s were close).
Money won’t stop them or their families being pulled over for driving too nice a car in the wrong neighborhood. Celebrity will probably stop the cop from harassing them once they’re recognized - and that’s not necessarily a given.
It’s not just money - even the oldest of black money in American society would have a different relationship to institutional and legal authority and power than their White counterparts.
Shitty amusement parks are a dime a dozen, but Action Park was unique for the NYC metro area. For city kids who couldn’t afford to make it out to Dorney, AP was the spot. Anyone between the ages of 35 and 50 who grew up here has a story about losing some skin or a friend breaking a limb or getting a concussion at…
Tic would also be accustomed to the metric system from the army, which has used kilometers or ‘clicks’ since WWII in line with NATO standardization.
I hadn’t thought it until you brought up your theory about different mothers (and I still think they do have the same mother), but Leticia and her siblings do have different last names - she is Leticia Fucking Lewis (as she emphatically declares) but her sister and brother are Ruby and Marvin Baptiste. So there may…
Arguably the biggest sitcom of all time- M*A*S*H- was set in the Korean War (although it used ‘Korea’ to talk about Vietnam).
The narration is from The Jackie Robinson Story, a biopic starring the man himself made in 1950 (the middle of his career, no less).
The score by Air is definitely a highlight of this film and introduced me to one of my favorite bands. I had read the book the year before the movie came out as a high school junior and like you, I can’t think of the book now without hearing Playground Love. Both the book and movie are so good at capturing that weird…
Libby's teeth are not blackened by the poison but rather the antidote (charcoal) she takes for herself but withholds from her victims (at least until it's too late as in the Napp case).
Grape-Nuts is the best mix-in cereal and it is terrible on its own.
There’s plenty of NYC stories left to be told - they just don’t all have to happen in Manhattan or hipster/Brownstone Brooklyn.
There are multiple DTV sequels and a TV series filling in the backstory and expanding the mythology.
Because you can state your personal objection to it (subjective) without dismissing the entire genre as ‘awful’ (objective). I hate Michael Jordan with a passion (I grew up a Ewing-era Knicks fan) but I would never call him an ‘awful’ player. I can still respect the obvious talent and understand the appeal to others.
Yes, but in EoT Rita was no longer looping each day at the same time Cage was; Samberg and Milioti (and Simmons) are looping at the same time.
We’ve had five months to establish any kind of robust contact tracing program. It still does not exist.
Taylor as Maslany’s mother is one of those casting pairs that never would have occurred to me and yet seems insanely perfect in hindsight.
The track “Labor of Love” is one of the reasons that the opening scene of the first movie is probably the best from the new Star Trek series.
It’s more of an adaptation of the character from the early pulp novels of the 1930s than the more polished Mason of the TV series. As the TV show and Burr’s take on the character (which was more clean-cut for ‘50s TV standards) became more popular, the book character also became more refined and proper as well.