
Came to say precisely this.

Im not saying I want touch screen controls, Im just saying it ought not be lumped into the same reliability group as, say, an engine. Consumer reports reliability ratings are almost exclusively make or break on the ease of using the infotainment. What kind of silly metric is that? Call it “ease of use”, sure, but

I don’t recall there being lines of hundreds of people at every BMW dealer in the world when the BMW 2002 came out waiting to buy one

It’s funny that you left off the still ride from your comment, because they actually did update that, though not with a software update. Early Model 3's came with stiffer suspension and they have since switched to softer suspension, and I believe offered owners of the early builds to upgrade (I believe for free).

The problem is disproportionate coverage that creates the incorrect impression that semi-autonomous vehicles—and in particular Teslas—are inherently dangerous in and of themselves.

“Drivers are taking their eyes off the road without concerns because they bought a system that says it drives for them.”

In this case it would only make sense for CA to be the “first to bat” because the factory in question is in California. They have an obligation to investigate alleged workplace abuses in their state.

Not only does Tesla not spend money advertising or giving auto writers free food and seat time, there is also a $10.7 billion incentive to depress the stock.

Man call me a tin foil hat. But I feel like the majority of the Anti Tesla stuff on here isn’t the most transparent reporting. I can’t be the only one that feels this way, right?

If you don’t tax the rich, and you don’t tax the middle class, and you don’t tax the poor, you don’t collect any tax at all.

Switching to a national sales tax means the poor pay for essentially everything, as the middle class and wealthy spend relatively little of their income on sale-taxable transactions.

It’s worse than not caring about black people. W didn’t care about black people as Kanye pointed out. This is different. Trump knows his base is racist. They support black men being murdered by police no matter what the circumstances surrounding it are. He can’t risk condemning any shooting of a black man by police no

That’s why you’ve seen the president take an active role over the last several months in school safety and looking at ways—we want to do that across the board, whether a kid is in a school, whether they’re at home, no matter where they are in this country, kids should feel safe.

“My neighbor across the street bought a Camry Hybrid this month, and I promptly made her regret her purchase decision.”

You’re assuming money is the only thing that matters.


“(Warren police) haven’t done much to repair the whole.”

beat me to it. Justin “I know lets make an amusing article about flamethrowers, nah....... lets use it to have a go at Elon Musk again instead...........”

Do you actually believe that?