
I don't think the fake-out was entirely wasted. On some level, the Doctor really does believe what he said- and this version of him is far more sympathetic to authority and institutions than previous versions [reiterated when he came down on Bill at the end for a 6 month overdue essay, and his insistence on

>I suppose, I just don't think punching racists as a "political act" but simply "being a decent human being".

Wow dude, you're taking this episode way too personally.

''the doctor is the doctor and exploring space is what he does'' then he shouldn't have made a vow to stay on Earth, lol

jack jack jack

What? There's like 3 or 4 I can think of out of dozens of Americans, what are you on about?

''They're actually not that different in a lot of ways from the people who got dressed up for Star Trek conventions in the 70s, except with a lot more drinking and public nudity'' trekkies don't celebrate songs about beating women, afaik

The thing that stuck with me most about Jonestown was that Jim Jones deliberately manipulated the parents into killing their children first, because he knew once the kids were dead they'd have nothing to lose anymore and they would go easily.

i thought that's what the platform was basically trying to be, but it was overcomplicated and unuseable.

''How does an elephant just DIE?'' has to be one of the best opening lines ever.


You need to take a midol or something and chill out, jesus. I've never seen someone so worked up on AVClub.

And Peter MacNicol freaking out / assaulting him. Pure gold.

If you have a problem with exploring race/religion/gender issues, this show was never for you in the first place.

So stop reading the reviews if they get you all worked up? I really don't understand what your issue is tbh.

This doesn't help Depp as much as Stanhope thinks it does. Every abusive relationship I've been in, or witnessed — every single one — the abuser would head their victim off at the pass like this [''When they accuse me of being abusive, don't listen…''] in order to discredit any future accusations against them.

I thought the entire appeal of Buffy was that it mixed soap opera and sci fi/fantasy in a clever and self-aware way…
That was the appeal for me, anyway.

because of people like you, probably

47 ain't ''old''

My first thought right at the beginning of the recount story was ''Are they riffing on the Good Wife…?''