mine's pointing to the left.
mine's pointing to the left.
''You wouldn't like it here now. It's gotten sad.'' Too right, Alicia. :(
the term has been around since the original series of Star Trek and I don't think it's going anywhere.
And she had to rub the whole thing in Veronica's face as much as possible.
Because Heaven isn't a physical place you can see, it's a metaphor for one's relationship to God?
What does that even have to do with anything in this conversation?
… You apparently have no idea what an engineer actually does or what the definition of ''engineering'' actually is.
— an engineer.
''Stick and his ties to mysticism don’t completely fit into Daredevil’s more grounded universe'' … this is a show where a committed Catholic runs around in a devil suit but Stick's mysticism is out of place….?
That's disappointing and a relief at the same time.
My first thought was ''Ah, Basil Fawlty is an incarnation of the Doctor. That makes sense.''
''I’ll admit the Doctor’s eventual suggestion that Clara had gotten inside Zygella’s head and helped influence her to stand down doesn’t quite work for me'' I don't think he was literally saying that Clara had influenced the Zygon from the inside. I think he was just crediting her for her role in DotD which allowed…
Great review, as always.
I have one thing to say re: Curse of Fatal Death. Remember that CoFD is a nerd's love letter to what Classic Who *actually was*. It's a highly exaggerated parody, of course, but the reason it's funny is because Classic Who actually did resolve things in ridiculous ways like that. When Moffat…
I think he has some form of psychotic disorder. He was imagining the stag and such before he got sick. It's like he's in a persistent waking dream state.
My friend and I said ''He looks like Beetlejuice'' at the same time.
''These events took place and as a result I happened'' … but he explicitly denies that any event took place that ''caused'' him. He literally says the exact opposite of what you're suggesting.
[spoilers below]
and they're both so obnoxious you can't root for one of them to finally leave the other because she deserves better
I love it when people can't admit they actually enjoy the writing of a show so they pretend to like it ironically, don't you?
For me the most disturbing scene is still that girl being burnt alive in the hyperbaric chamber. It wasn't the goriest scene, but jesus christ, I can hardly imagine a more terrifying way to die
Same here, the whole time I was thinking ''I'm not sure if Abigail is really there or if Will is just being crackers again.'' Sure enough, Will is crackers
he raged… on the internet