
Ha, REALLY? The first half of this season was spent on a moustache-twirling Senator bent on destroying the agency for the sake of killing it dead. This is portrayed against Saul's efforts to stymie him while concocting a ridiculous plan to throw Carrie under a bus in order to save the CIA by performing the Greatest

Actually it was quite personal, as this was one of the rare occasions where the CIA had its ass handed to it by Al Qaeda and seven agents died in the field. Three of those agents were specialists on Al Qaeda and the woman she is portraying was considered the most expert and skilled Al Qaeda analyst the CIA had at the

24 is a very low bar to set. Many of us were hoping this show was shooting a little higher than 24, so thanks for the obligatory and unnecessary reality check but it doesn't make it any less annoying.

Are you guys actually going to suggest he's driving around in a car on a boat?

I got a bridge you're welcome to live under, Mr Subtle.

I got a bridge you're welcome to live under, Mr Subtle.

if by "Western" you mean cowboys fightin' injuns in Monument Valley, well then OK. If you mean "Western" as an in sprawling genre where the basic connecting tissue is people struggling to survive in the Western frontier immediately preceeding, during and the 20 years after the Civil War, well then no.

if by "Western" you mean cowboys fightin' injuns in Monument Valley, well then OK. If you mean "Western" as an in sprawling genre where the basic connecting tissue is people struggling to survive in the Western frontier immediately preceeding, during and the 20 years after the Civil War, well then no.

If this were any other show about the apocalyptic end times, I'd be annoyed, but it's Walking Dead. Moves like that really can't be questioned, in light of much larger examples of stupidity that must be studied and codified into sarcastic mockery.

I wish they had gone to the coast, so that the writers could have snuck in some sort of reference to black people not being good swimmers.

Wow, you really are a total douche if you thought this was made by some "nameless schlock director." Like the narrative or not, this is from beginning to end one of the best shot, edited, produced, and cast films of the 90's. End of story.

You know T-Dog got all this screen time this week to remind he exists because he will certainly die next week when the zombie horde hits that farm house like a pancake feed at the town church. Come on, why else did they put him in virtually every scene in the first half of the episode? Token black guy is about to die

It would be great if she died of an infection, and somehow passed that on to most of the cast. This show needs to end sooner than later.

It is extremely convenient that they are so far down-river on the Amazon that they are no longer in Brazil, which speaks Portuguese, but in Peru or Colombia. I mean, it would certainly be silly to think this Spanish-speaking girl is a cultural expert on a country she can't even speak the language of, right?

If Sawyer were a British guy who kept blowing his accent and had the charisma of small, whiny, sickly child, then sure.

Hey, how about if you're shooting a show about wildlife in the Amazon, why install four cameras in every single space of the boat and then record all that footage constantly TO TAPE? Wouldn't you being using your finite resources to record everything not on the boat? Unless your nature show is actually a relationship

Is temporary amnesia really a spoiler, being temporary *and* narratively pointless at the same time? Or did you mean that she died? Which isn't much of a spoiler considering she was a pointless character who offered nothing to the show other than TEMPORARY F*CKING AMNESIA. Which is temporary, meaning that it has no

The gunshot/noise issue makes me wonder why these folks haven't sought the luxury of silencers? I realize it's a lot to ask of them to think creatively, strategically, or even tactically, but if you know a gun is your best bet and you a gun shot attracts zombies, then start looking for a way to suppress gun shots.

I look forward to that day too. Maybe people will stop over-praising ridiculously convoluted TV and demand something closer to intelligent plotting. It doesn't have to be "real" but it can at least be plausible.

I can't believe how ridiculously implausible this show has become yet critics fawn over it like it's the newest version of sliced bread. There is no way any terrorist suspect is brought into the U.S. for enhanced interrogation, and there's certainly no way the former subject of his torture is allowed in the room with