You only get takes this hot with a free market society!
You only get takes this hot with a free market society!
You answered your own question on the problem with Venezuela. Hint. It wasn’t the socialism. I’ll help.
Counterpoint: she is wrong regardless of who Tippi Gordon is rooting for
The online chodes who lead off with how much money they make when nobody asked either A. don’t make that much money or B. have no friends in real life to talk with about how much money they have, so they have to go brag online to people they’ve never met who don’t give a fuck about how much money some dipshit…
except that a liberal arts major knows to put the period inside the quotation marks.
Bullshit, I could punt that kid at least 15, maybe 20 yards.
Yep. Has nothing to do with the pattern of Green going after an opponent's nuts.
You didn't really come here to talk basketball, did you.
When you sober up tomorrow, can you repost this?
Don't worry. Goodell has already suspended the account.
Hardcore UFC fans will sleep a lot easier tonight as soon as someone reads this to them.
Dear Representative Daniel,
My wife is in a coma!
Yeah. Someone’s going to scrubbing her lady parts for 10 minutes.