Hmmm, a Coyote 5.0 with 160K on the clock. All of them going “WAAAAAAAHHH” off the line?
Hmmm, a Coyote 5.0 with 160K on the clock. All of them going “WAAAAAAAHHH” off the line?
But you can get tax cuts for the wealthy voting for standard Republicans.
Trump wants to form a 3rd party. Okay, what exactly are it’s policies? What are it’s candidates running on?
People have been banging Keanu in games long before Cyberpunk.
A vote on the bill has yet to be scheduled by the Senate committee, and hopefully, never is.
Can they just make this a class action lawsuit where the entire U.S. population (except for 70M Trump cultists and Q fucktards) were caused pain and suffering by Rudy’s lies and bullshit just to line Trump’s pockets.
I want to see an edit where she’s taking the oath interspersed with scenes of insurrections being arrested by the FBI.
Congratulations to Kamala!
Here’s the song from the PBS Newshour broadcast, so I assume it okay to repost...
Every day, with every new shitty tweet, I kept asking how low can he go? Where’s the bottom to Trumpism?
Of course the reality is Mitch and company got plenty of fuckery done.
All she needs is name recognition and a fuck ton of repurposed “stop the steal” money. Oh, and try not to break a nail.
A Trump in the senate is just the thing the Republican party needs to remain split and ineffective when they don’t have a majority and Mitch running the gavel.
I fire an arrow into the air. Where it lands I know not where.
Or cart all these domestic terrorists off to Gitmo where they’ll have to wait 10 years just to get a hearing.
This had to be an intern.
Assuming they arrest these clowns what’s the charges for breaking into the capitol with a long gun?
It’s jarring looking at the WWII Jeep front end and then under the hood is tons of plastic and an interior with a modern dashboard.
Also, the advertising agency (DDB) and the production company, who were actually responsible for this project, could give a rats ass about interesting old cars.