
I’m a skydiver and line jumper. I’ve seen (and had) bad rope burns from rough openings at 15,000 feet. Guys that get “caught up” in their lines get very bad rope burns due to the huge force of a parachute opening. I have NEVER seen one as bad as the one on this little girl’s neck.

This shows class and sensitivity. Maybe we could all learn something. But, probably not. Just continue like we normally do, then.

My personal favorite: “Human equivalent of cargo pants that zip away into shorts.” I die every time and I don’t really know why.

Genius. I would plunk down high double digits to watch on Pay-Per-View.

That, yes. But, also WHO would show up in those kits.

I also had another horrible thought. Everyone is saying how it’s so good that this even made it to the inside of a courtroom—-and it occurred to me that there were two male witnesses. We all scoff at the notion that Saudi Arabia requires male witnesses to confirm a rape. But, isn’t the presence of the two men the

I’m no conspiracy theorist (yes I am), but I remember thinking a few years back when it was being uncovered across the nation that thousands and thousands of rape kits were going untested—-that maybe there was a reason. Like, perhaps we were going to discover some shit-awful stuff about the people in our society—-and

Did it occur to anyone else how rare it is that this even made it into a courtroom? It occurs to me that this could very well be due to the fact that there were two male witnesses. So, take heart American women. That’s two less male witnesses than Saudi Arabia requires.