
Some rich person will make a city under the sea where people who want quasi- or illegal things can flock to it with no oversight to hinder them, where genetic manipulation is the norm and used in ways society really wants but doesn’t need. Oh, wait..I’m thinking of Bioshock


1) Han Solo doesn’t have a sidekick. He has a partner.

Didn’t watch. Ain’t gonna. I’ve gotten stuck in the weird part of YouTube before.

Yeah. This was an all-timer. I wish I didn’t watch.

I mean, you say that...

And then they amended policy to close the hole that let them in. Like how rational people deal with processes: implement ➡️ audit ➡️ revise ➡️ repeat ↩️.

You should tweet this to the Mistress of Misinformation.... :)

It doesn’t even matter, Trump just signed an executive order removing the ban on cockroaches in scuba tanks. THERE IS NO ESCAPE!

RE:Our government adequately protected us without needing to fire a single bullet, or issue an immigration ban on half of the Middle East. 

Not true! It means there was a cover-up and the Obama media ignored this story because of emails and her speeches and socialism and Hillary is a goddamned cunt!

our government protected us from a plot that was entirely manufactured by our government.

Massacre is a very specific term not easily confused with “terrorist” and she claimed it hadn’t been adequately covered, which it had. She also has, in her short tenure with the administration, repeatedly lied to press about things that are very easy to disprove.

In that same light of fairness, let’s not forget that she lied about two other things in the discussion and aftermath anyway so absolutely fuck the light of fairness.

Stop spreading facts!  

The real lessons from Bowling Green:

What is the deal with people that don’t like posts about Nerf guns? It seems like every other day there’s someone who doesn’t realize they’re not being forced to visit Gizmodo and that they don’t have to read posts about stuff they don’t like.