
Oh me too! A former girlfriend once asked to play, as she wanted to take one of the game’s girls on a date (this was GTA 4 btw). She proceeded to spend twenty minutes trying to (unsuccessfully) obey stop signals and match the flow of traffic. She took the two out, picked a date location which I’ve long since

You. You deserve this power, just for thinking of this.

So the other day I took out the trash, unloaded the dishwasher and hand washed our cookware, played with our animals before putting fresh food and water out for them. By the time I got to bed, my wife had started to drift off and told me I took too long and she didn’t want to do anything now. The next night I was sure

Oi liiike it!

Wait, she climbs stuff for heroic reasons, is a (pretty talented, judging from this short) film director, is all about black sci-fi, mysticism and futurism?!

That last line though!!! Yeesh!

O ther than animal welfare there’s absolutely zero argument for vegetarian or veganism.

Fun fact: removing whey and dairy from your diet can apparently lead to SICK BURNS! Somebody just got REVERSE-JAMMED!

Rick: They’re trying to brainwash you, Morty!

If you think we are going to let you come down here and... wait, are you a CEO?

Garbage bags fulla animal poop + Trebuchet. Source: Comic book Physics! They’re never wrong!

Okay kids... Who wants to meet your brand new robo-puppy?!!!!

As a guy who has been choked, punched, and elbowed and who has kicked someone in the face, and hit someone with nunchuks (don’t ever attack someone on their home turf, they know where the weapons are), I can honestly say that is one of the most brutal attacks I’ve ever heard. That made me wince.

Anyone else feel like Frank Miller is the M. Night Shyamalan of the comics world? A brilliant piece or two early in his career, followed by a slow descent into chaotic nonsense and tripe? MAYDAY!!!

Any idea what kind of UV light you need to try this? I've got a little UV keychain light, but something tells me you need something stronger to pull this off successfully

Pooping for science…fiction!

I once tried a Deus Ex: Human Revolution pacifist run because I wanted to play the way Batman would (no kills, just lots of brutality). Apparently, I accidentally took one of them out during my run and didn't get the achievement. I've never been more pissed at a game, but it did convince me that Batman's "no kill

I like the cut of your jib

Aaaaaand Site's down.

Wait, are you seriously arguing that an in-depth journalistic report on a possible miscarriage of justice getting attention is a waste of time?