
"If it's funny we'll put it in, but we're never out to just piss somebody off."

Haha no. Despite all the think pieces and speculation on why Dems lost, when people show up, Democrats win. Period. People are pissed, and nothing drives turnout better than anger.

Once again Workaholics takes a solid idea and executes it halfheartedly. Faux Chella has such potential, but as Blake suggests, the motivation for hosting it is flimsy at best. Then the stage setup is totally implausible, they introduce the uncle, then abandon the stage midway through. I can think of plenty of ways

Trump and around 45% of the population have chosen to live in a subjective reality.

Ohhh I see, the dog wasn't frightened, but was just being a perfectionist when his mark was moved. Actors are always so dramatic.

I think Adam pretending to be in a relationship with Alice and the whole dom competition are both good ideas that got shortchanged. They would have played better in separate episodes with more compelling stakes.

Could we please stop citing celebrity deaths as a reason a year has been bad? Obviously we lost a lot of great people in 2016, and we should absolutely take the time to remember them, but this happens every year. And there was so much else that happened, obviously, that pointing out celebrity deaths and nationalism in

Reading your post, it occurred to me that someone predicted comment sections on the internet would become more civilized in time. Instead, especially watching Trump rallies, real life has become more like online comment sections.

Remember when cartoons had no more depth than talking food battling obnoxious villains?

So how long until trumpsters start calling him a cuck?

The electoral college is probably the single most effective instrument for voter suppression there is. How many people in Texas and California sat out because of the inevitable outcome? Sure there are downballot races, but those don't fill their twitter feeds and facebook.

I watched the first season on DVD and found it obnoxious, but my friends kept suggesting I give it another chance. I ended up watching some reruns and got really got into it as just lighthearted fun. I saw the movie at a prescreening and thought it was pretty great. Then I re-watched the movie on DVD and it was pretty

These were two of the best episodes that I can recall from recent memory. Maybe not so much in terms of laughing out loud, but in the quality of writing. It was an honest reminder of why we care about these characters:

One of the most genuine details about that episode was that Linda would definitely be unbearable if she were stoned.


Of course this is the darkest timeline. There is one where both Al Gore served two terms and Hillary won the electoral vote.

I think it distracts from how weak the writing is. Are you a fan or just defending laugh tracks? Because I thought the laugh tracks were used well on How I Met Your Mother (after the first season).

(Timing aside, there is nothing funny in this clip)

The NYTimes had a probability meter showing Hillary at 85-93% the last several months. When they put it up I thought regardless of the odds, that is audacious.