I think they were being facetious. Regardless, they have a specific yet broad appeal that has endured the past two decades. You can't deny that they continue to attract new fans perennially.
I think they were being facetious. Regardless, they have a specific yet broad appeal that has endured the past two decades. You can't deny that they continue to attract new fans perennially.
Whoa, why trash Reel Big Fish? Granted I've never heard of that album, but they have a solid catalog and put on a great live show. The last show I went to was around 2011.
The way Howard said it came from his end, I wouldn't be surprised if he charged it to an expense account.
I laughed harder at the thought of Luke returning to his home planet than anything in this episode.
No one has mentioned Party Down's Henry Pollard. Adam Scott brought the life into this show.
I for one hope that this is the end. It is becoming all too rare for a sitcom to go out on a high note, instead squeezing out every drop of devotion it has built up over the years until it becomes a shell of its former self, all for just one more season of that sweet ad revenue. Remind viewers what it means to leave…
The distinction being what?
I more or less did that as well last year, recording reruns and working my way through the seasons. One through four were best, and these last two seasons I am slowly forgetting why I ever liked it in the first place, but it's episodes like this one that keep me tuned in. For now.
An episode compiled from vignettes is not a novel format, for example Frasier, Community and HIMYM just off the top of my head.
I have edibles in my freezer and was averaging once a week on weekends but stopped two months ago. Even if it was only once a week, it has lost its novelty and I like having mental clarity versus the fogginess.
This comment section is a good reminder of why The A.V. Club is my favorite place to read comments.
Also "Escape from Pearl Bailey" and its The Warriors homage, Principal Lewis and his shenanigans ("cyo-caine!"), Deputy Director Bullock, Steve singing R&B, etc. It really has developed a lot of funny elements over the years.
I also like that they acknowledge how hard it would be to keep all of the personas straight.
Just yesterday I revisited "Stan's Best Friend." Although I remember it being gruesome, it's so over the top that I was laughing hysterically. It is also a good demonstration of how American Dad! is more adept at utilizing the strengths of animation than say Family Guy or The Simpsons: it allows the voice actors to…
The GOP tends to use the opposite tactic: voter suppression and gerrymandering ;)
This episode was a total mess. 'C' is generous.
Except there is no metal allowed in an MRI machine, so it makes no sense to have headphones. Nothing in this episode made sense really.
Case in point: the first few seasons of Parks and Recreation.
I'm four (4) minutes into this episode an have a few thoughts:
(1:49) "At 25, Seth is the image of the '90's Hollywood hotshot." Yeah sure, voice-over guy.