
It mostly comes down to rural versus urban mentality and the overrepresentation of rural areas in national elections through gerrymandering, the Senate, and the electoral college. If only there were a way to create two Americas along those lines…

I visit The Atlantic, NYTimes, and Economist almost exclusively and compulsively. After the election I am looking forward to a complete media detox.

I was just thinking about how we are beyond geographic political divisions and are approaching parallel universes. Of two people living in the same city, one might see a diverse society with promising economic opportunity, while the other sees the menace of political correctness and foreigners as well as certain

It's episodes like this that keep me watching. It was okay, but had enough funny moments that I enjoyed it: specifically the Batman theme playing in the background, "you're friends with celebrities to..sell…hats," and "for no reason I've been carrying around this red herring."

*Closets, Closets, Closets, Closets!

CNN? I thought it was every media organization other than Breitbart and Fox that was conspiring for Clinton and the Illuminati.

This completely ignores the real issue of NBC's cozy relationship with Trump.

(2 Tone Army - The Toasters)

Interesting perspective on The Musical. It was after that episode that I stopped watching.

I found it lame as hell the first time (and last time) I played. I really don't get the appeal.

I played Cards Against Humanity once. I can't believe people enjoy playing it. It's just MadLibs for adults and not funny at all.

I had not previously heard this song. I made it a whole 30 seconds into the video.

I listened to Sublime in high school (don't judge: I was into punk & ska and they seemed cool and edgy).

Ever since Bill Clinton appeared on Arsenio Hall, presidential elections have steadily descended into spectacles of entertainment, enabled by an all too willing media that is desperate for audiences and advertising revenue. We should not have expected anything from Jimmy since late night entertainment has been

I was not aware of that DVD commentary and the opinion of the writer. From what appears in the final cut, I still think the subversion of the MPDG is a valid interpretation. He realizes that Summer cannot give his life meaning and decides to dedicate himself to something that he is passionate about. He meets Autumn

I find it irritating when Deschanel's character in (500) Days of Summer is labelled a manic pixie dream girl. The whole point of the movie is that that is how Tom views her, but they break up because she is not one. It is the antithesis to the trope.

I like to check out shows after they've gotten positive reviews. I guess I can't be part of the club :/

But then I am leaving the site, which websites generally try to avoid. It just seems odd to omit.

Unfortunately it's not available in my location either way…

But would it be so hard to just put it in the header or the notes? Instead I have to Google it or look for other articles on the site? It just seems sloppy.